The Rat

January 25, 2020 -February 11, 2021

Mantra: I am capable of taking calculated risks that will help me overcome life’s
inevitable challenges. I accept that I cannot outwit the ebb and flow of life.

Lucky colour: light blue

The Ox

February 12, 2021 – January 31, 2022

Mantra: Though I cannot be entirely in control of my circumstances, my persistence
and dedication will bring me closer to what I desire. I am willing to stay open and
patient in my relationships.

Lucky colour: bright yellow

The Tiger

February 1, 2022 – January 21, 2023

Mantra: I am ready to harness my skills and talents and leap into new levels of my
work. I trust the ones I love and make time for my relationships and well-being.

Lucky colour: forest green

The Rabbit

January 22, 2023 – February 9, 2024

Mantra: I am ready to open my heart and overcome past defenses. I strive to
communicate clearly in my work and nurture working relationships.

Lucky colour: soft pink

The Dragon

February 10, 2024 – January 28, 2025

Mantra: I step willingly and joyfully into a year of hard work and success. I make
time for my wellbeing to ultimately support this success.

Lucky colour: gold

The Snake

January 29, 2025 – February 16, 2026

Mantra: Through discernment I will find the people I can trust and open up to. Small,
steady progress is just as valuable as sudden breakthroughs.

Lucky colour: red

The Horse

February 17, 2026 – February 5, 2027

Mantra: I honour that people all live differently, but understand that I need an ever-
changing reality. I channel my frustrations into volunteering and helping others.

Lucky colour: deep purple

The Goat

February 6, 2027 – January 25, 2028

Mantra: Through perseverance I am always able to meet life’s challenges. I am
careful not to give everything I have to others, ensuring I have enough for myself.

Lucky colour: bright green

The Monkey

January 26, 2028 – February 12, 2029

Mantra: My insight is a great strength, and I also require great self-care to balance it
out. I am open to connection and building new relationships.

Lucky colour: white

The Rooster

February 13, 2029 – February 2, 2030

Mantra: My validation comes from within, not outside of me. Working
collaboratively allows me to achieve what I desire.

Lucky colour: brown

The Dog

February 16, 2018 – February 4, 2019

Mantra: I cherish all that I have in my life, and do not always need to push for more.
Loyalty is sometimes more important than taking risks.

Lucky colour: violet

The Pig

February 5, 2019 – January 24, 2020

Mantra: Change as a constant brings me hope – no matter how challenging my
circumstance has been, I welcome change into my life now.

Lucky colour: steel grey

Visit Aerin’s website here.

All art work by Stephanie Smith. Purchase her prints here.