Many people often complain about feeling stressed because of various reasons. Although it is normal for anyone to feel a little overwhelmed by certain life events from time to time, too much stress can have numerous negative consequences. Stress may be a psychological issue, but it surely affects the entire body, especially if the root cause of the issue is not solved or is too severe and complicated. Here is everything you need to know about stress and how it can badly affect your mental and physical health.


One of the most common side effects of stress is headaches. If you have been feeling overwhelmed or anxious about anything for a while, and you feel like the thoughts are taking over your brain, then headaches are likely to follow. When you are stressed, your whole body feels it and your blood pressure will most likely rise, leading to stronger heart palpitations, which in turn will make your head feel like it is going to explode. Those headaches should be considered a cause of concern in regards to general physical well-being. However, if you are not careful, and you do not calm down quickly, the pain in your head can get stronger and that can then lead to other more concerning symptoms. 

Brain Fogs

If you have ever found yourself in a situation where you have completely lost your train of thought and simply cannot focus on anything, then it can be a result of stress. Many people often complain of getting a brain fog from time to time if they are constantly subjected to stressful situations. Your brain will basically be too busy thinking about whatever it is that is overwhelming you, and as a result, you will lose focus on anything else. The only way you can retain your focus is by clearing your head and getting all those overwhelming thoughts out of it. 


Many people often find themselves struggling to sleep at night without realizing the main cause. Most of the time, the cause for chronic cases of insomnia is stress-related. If your brain is overworked by thinking about the things that are disrupting your normal life, then your chances of getting quality sleep or any sleep at all may be a little slim. This is an issue that you will need to address as quickly as possible, as insomnia has its own consequences that can hit your body hard. If simply clearing your mind before bed and avoiding any negative thoughts is not working, then you should see a doctor who can help you get the sleep you need. 

Digestive Issues

It may not seem like it at first, but stress can have a huge negative impact on your digestive system. If you are under a lot of pressure or if you are anxious about something in particular, then you may have trouble eating regularly, or you may feel uneasy in your stomach. Growling stomachs can signal stress-related issues that need to be quickly addressed. If you have been feeling overwhelmed for a while, you may start noticing more obvious digestive issues that can often lead to constipation or colon pain. You should always consult a doctor if you feel unwell for a long period of time. 

High Blood Sugar

Apart from the many negative effects of stress on your body, there is also the risk of increased blood sugar levels. Even if you are a perfectly healthy individual, who does not have any history of diabetes, being too stressed for long periods of time can put you at great risk as your blood sugar levels will keep on rising. If you have a history of diabetes, then this issue can be even more serious, and you will need to address it pretty quickly. Make sure you monitor your blood sugar levels if you are feeling stressed and consult a physician on how you can relax more to reduce the risk of developing diabetes. 

Feeling stressed is not just bad for your mental health, it can also have severe effects on your physical well-being. If you constantly have to deal with stressful situations and overwhelming events, you should monitor your physical health to see if you are developing any symptoms that can be too dangerous for your health. Try to speak to a doctor about the causes of your stress and anxiety, as they can help you deal with those issues and take better care of yourself. Make sure you practice serenity and try to distance yourself from intense situations whenever you can, as nothing can be worth this kind of pressure and the consequences that come along with it.

Published on Holr Magazine