When it comes to gardening, spring and summer often take the spotlight. Everything seems fresh and new, bright and beautiful, ready for warming rays and nurturing rains. 

When autumn rolls around, gardening can get a bit more complicated. There is less sunshine, often-fickle temperatures, and the waning lustre of plants on a slowdown, but a well-designed fall landscape can be just as beautiful as one in the height of summer. 

Here are some ideas to help you with planning a fall garden:


Create Your Fall Gardening Goals:
When planning your garden design, choosing plant combinations in terms of colour, shape, texture, and light will help contribute to a cozy and inviting vibe.

Planning a fall garden means figuring out what you want that garden to do. You can start by answering a few questions such as how would you like your landscape to continue in terms of colour and texture? What do you intend to achieve with your gardening, is it to beautify a particular spot in your home? Or perhaps you just want a fall garden to highlight some of the colours and plants unique to autumn while filling in blank spots in flowerbeds as warm-weather plants die back. 

Spend some time thinking through how your garden design and plants should function in autumn, and what you hope to accomplish with your fall garden.

Better Homes & Garden

Reference To Established Gardening Guidelines:

Let the same elements you use in spring and summer such as complementary shapes and colours, pretty foliage, repetition of flowers for visual consistency should remain your standby and must-dos when planning a fall garden.

The Old House

Make Use Of Plants Without Blooms:

Although many plants do bloom either late in the summer or in the fall, nonflowering plants really come into their own later in the year, too such as ornamental grasses. They are definitely a good fit for a fall garden.  It is good to be reminded how many ways there are to have beautiful colours with plants that do not have flowers.



The sun is lower in the sky at this time of year, highlighting your plants with the warm, golden glow of beautiful autumnal sunlight positioned at the right place.

Published on HOLR Magazine.