As children in elementary school, we are taught to reduce, reuse, and recycle. At the time it seemed like an easy task, but now as adults, you see how different this task is. This takes a lot of conscious effort. There are many easy ways to make your kitchen eco-friendlier.


Single-use waste is a really great place to start. People have been on the anti-plastic straws and reusable to-go cups for quite a while, but we have our kitchens stocked with paper towels, napkins, Ziploc bags, and plastic wrap. These are all items that are easy to use but cause quite a bit of waste. There are a few swaps you can make for these items that may seem costly at first but in the long run, they are more affordable.

Paper towel is something that many of us rely on and go through very quickly. It feels as though you are constantly replacing your paper towel roll on your kitchen counter. There are some amazing eco-friendly replacements for paper towels. “Paperless” towels are a great substitute. The GenerationMe ones on Etsy are a great deal. These towels come in a pack of 12 for $15 and are constructed of soft and absorbent cotton and are machine washable!

Plastic wrap is quite honestly frustrating, it so often gets stuck together and you are trying to peel apart the wrap or throwing it out and starting over again. Half the time it does not even stick properly! The average American disposes of 25 LBS of plastic wrap a year.  A great replacement for this is beeswax food wraps. They are multi-use; you can wash them, and they are affordable. You can purchase them on Amazon or you can make your own by following this Beeswax Food Wrap DIY.

If you have ever been to Home Sense or Winners, you have seen the reusable snack bags while waiting in line to check out. These are a perfect alternative to a Ziploc bag. Made from silicone, they are airtight, can be put in the freezer or even used with boiling water for sous-vide cooking. You can purchase them at Home Sense, Winners, or Amazon!

When going grocery shopping, we have all spent quite a bit of time trying to separate those plastic grocery bags that are provided to us. Well, look no further, reusable produce bags are where it’s at! No more wasting time trying to pull apart staticky plastic while also being eco-friendly. Many grocery stores offer these for purchase now or you can purchase them at Madewell.

Sometimes being eco-friendly can seem overwhelming and unachievable but it is just small swaps like these that can help save our planet!

Published by HOLR Magazine.