Turn your house into a space that is always tidy, clean with Kondo Marie’s special method. The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up book will help you clean your home in a more minimalist, tidier style with inspirational methods.


Marie Kondo was born in 1985, Tokyo, Japan. She started reading housework magazines at the age of 5, loving the order and beauty of the beautifully organized spaces found in those magazines. She now runs a successful consulting business in Tokyo that helps clients transform their messy homes into beautiful, peaceful, and inspiring spaces. Marie Kondo is also the author of a few other books on the same topic of Japanese lifestyle and house cleaning, including The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, which sold out when it was published in 2016. 

The Kondo Marie method in this book will magically transform your living space. When you keep your home in order, your whole life will also change more positively and comfortably. You can feel more relaxed, confident, and have the energy and motivation to create the life you want. The first thing that gets people interested in this method is its practicality. Housework is no one’s work, each individual in the family must contribute to building a shared home to create a happy atmosphere in their home. However, cleaning the house takes a lot of time and effort and not everyone has a lot of time to take care of the house. In addition, if you do not know how to arrange the house, the messy space will affect the mood and health of the family. 

japanese book

Marie Kondo’s first rule in house arrangement is to look at the practical value of the item. Before buying any item in your family, you need to ask yourself if you need this item, what is the value of the item or its benefits, and how often will it be used? When we can answer these questions, the house will become extremely minimalist and tidy because we have eliminated unnecessary items in the living space. The second rule, you simply understand, is to take all your objects, clothes or tools, equipment, spread them all on the floor, and start cleaning. Another advantage that this principle has is that it forces you to clear everything, all areas. The third very interesting rule is to use boxes to replace cabinets. Because the boxes will help to divide, arrange and fix things better instead of us cluttering things and clothes in the same big cabinet. Each box will contain objects of different lengths, sizes, or properties and uses for your convenience. The Kondo Marie method also refers to the joy of tidying up her living space. Not only that, the mood when cleaning also affects the cleaning work. If you clean the house in a good mood, you will enjoy the job more. And conversely, if you are in a negative state, the cleaning will not be as effective.


If you are having trouble cleaning, organizing, and decorating your living space, this book is the perfect choice for you. Not only does this book provide interesting insights on how to clean the house, but this book also helps you to become more relaxed and enjoy the work of taking care of your home.