Getting a car can be one of the biggest purchases you will make. For many people, having a car is a necessity to their daily life and it’s important that you ma...
A clean car is the key to a happy driver. People spend hours in their vehicles every week, so why not make it as pleasant as possible? Cleaning your car's inter...
Truck driving, like anything, has its risks. A general rule, which can be applied to most things, including truck driving, is to not act on impulse, and give yo...
In most countries, having a basic type of car insurance is mandatory by the law, and for a good reason. By having the necessary liability coverage, you are maki...
The UAE is a beautiful country, and everyone wishes to go there at least once for a vacation. The beautiful buildings in Dubai, the technology, and the rich Mus...
We hear about them all the time, accident on the highways, car loosing control on black ice, classic fender benders, and on occasion, see footage of cars toppli...
After driving for so long, it’s very easy for drivers to become complacent and stop taking the necessary measures to safeguard themselves. Some drivers will get...
The speeding laws from state to state tend to change. Because they are different, are our insurance responses/claims different as well?
Oh speeding tickets, th...
When driving, it is essential that you know the different controls of the car and become familiar with them. You should also identify and learn how to recognize...
One of the biggest but often underrated threats we face each and every day is when we’re behind the wheel. You have to be mindful yourself of everything you’re ...
It is never a good day when you are involved in an auto accident. There are several hopes when they do occur. One is that your car is repairable and you have th...
Having a car crash can be incredibly traumatic and cause a lot of pain and suffering. Knowing what to do if you have been involved in a car crash is very import...
Road trips are amazing and a true adventure. If done right, you will create memories that will last you a lifetime. You will get to see wonderful landscapes, vi...
Learning to drive is a big deal in anyone’s life. Some people start when they’re teens, and others learn later in life, but regardless of when you learn, you’...
Personalization is a form of self-expression that lots of people strive for, as for some it is better to stand out from the crowd rather than blending in with...
Safety when using the road is a top priority for everyone. However, an accident may result from several factors. Thus, it is essential to consider the accident ...
Are you starting to get the travel itch? Have you found 2020 to be especially difficult in terms of holidays? Perhaps you have an exciting trip planned, or you ...