Kerala, aptly known as "God's Own Country," is a sanctuary for anyone looking to unplug, relax, and rejuvenate. Known for its lush landscapes, balmy beaches...
In today's fast-paced world, where the demands of work and responsibilities often take center stage, finding ways to unwind and relax has become crucial for mai...
Herbal tea bath is a sure way to find a moment of calm while pampering your skin, are easy to make.
All that you need is just a few common ingredients and some...
Many people often complain about feeling stressed because of various reasons. Although it is normal for anyone to feel a little overwhelmed by certain life even...
A relaxing break or adventure is needed every now and then, and people often forget that these breaks and adventures can happen right where they are! Whether pl...
Video games can be a lot of fun but it is important to remember what the point of video games is in the first place so you can find the best game to play. Wheth...
2020 has been an incredibly strange year. When looking towards the Holidays, it seems that the chaos won't be coming to an end quite yet. At a time of such st...
With the post-COVID tension and the looming back to school vibe, it is natural to carry stress and tension in your muscles. Miraj Hammam Spa offers a pain man...
We’ve all been there — after a long day at the office, suddenly it’s 5:00pm and, like clockwork, your inbox fills up with a dozen new tasks as you’re about to l...