It’s beginning to rain outside the train to Easter dinner with family as we are drafting your horoscope for April. On the last day of March we are glad to see water falling from the sky; not much less like the past month – emotional.



The retrograde is gone direct on April 15! Be happy to know that March was emotional (Gigi’s breakup) and teary. April will be up and down too until the sun shines two weeks in. Shared with Taurus, April is about you. Maybe you’re feeling old this month (happy birthday!) but remember that you’re also wiser. Prepare for Mercury to help blossom your career on April 23.



APRIL SHOWERS BRING MAY FLOWERS. I am sure we will be saying the rhyme again next month because it is amazing how it slips off the tongue, just like the Easter candy you’ll be eating all month. Easter is the Halloween of springtime, and you Taurus are the New Years of April. Your birthday month begins on April 19; beware of feeling close too soon in new partnerships. You will break out of the retrograde with an active mind, and this will serve well in your work life.


We know this isn’t your month, but Gemini, think of April as 30 days that lead up to your birthday and your new future! Of course any future is new. This month is about adaptation, and not unlike the 2002 film starring your astrological Cancer successor Nicholas Cage, you’re about to experience some crazy times. Look for greener pastures, after all green it is your colour.



Greetings to our sweetest sign of the year. Your careful heart means self-loathing becomes your enemy. As they say, keep your enemies closer: pay attention to what you dislike most because it usually reflects something you can improve in yourself. April is about self-reflection – catch up with a straight forward Aries or Libra friend, and get reflectin’ like that new hot springtime sunshine zapping a puddle away.


Dear Leo, you’re full of brilliant insights in April. You’re drawn to organizing whoever listens to you and that is why other signs love working with you. Use your detailed skills to plan a trip for next month, you will need it after coping with all of your work success after April 20. Bravo!


You are tender and methodological by nature, and Mercury going retrograde has been hard on your heart as you see your friends and family trip up over miscommunications. Pay attention to the females in your life – the action from the moon this month means they need your emotional care more than ever.


Remember that your success lies in what you do as yourself, and what you will do makes your name. A little “off topic”: we just want to remind you that you’re sharing a star sign with Off White’s newest contribution to Louis Vuitton. Take inspiration from Nike and check up on how fair you’re being with yourself. Learn how to delegate, you can only do so much alone.


Hi ya, Scorpio! Hope you’ve been staying sane in this slow few weeks of March and April. Retrograde has made your work life feel tedious (how many times can your teammates change their mind on a direction??) and that makes you more intense than normal. Go ahead and reorganize your work life during the Retrograde – Mercury is your passionate steed and you won’t go wrong signing any contracts before April 15.


Your floppy personality makes you a sharp competitor this month, not at your job but on the world stage. On April 23 your new dream trip comes to fruition. Take advantage of the early weeks before to prepare yourself for this new project – we know you’re thinking already – just take care to consider everyone who will be affected.


Are those new glasses, Capricorn? You look like a boss in those. Good on you that you didn’t splurge on any electronics during the Retrograde because April is about human instinct for you. Use your insight in April to direct the indecisiveness around you.


Hey, Aquarius! STAY CALM. This month is a seasoned mix of new projects, creative internships, or other premium learning opportunities. We say “premium” because we know you are trying to puzzle together a wardrobe that speaks to your capability: you are put together + you are sluthey enough to cash and collect at your dream job. New faces and names are wearing you down, try to keep your chin up and know that you can dress for anything you want to be a part of.


Your sign reminds us of a piece of pie: Pice – o – Pi(c)e(s). We thought you’d like that one! April will be about sharing that pie with your friends. You might run into a jam (so many food puns here) that a friend can help you with more than family can. Try not to make any big changes until after April 15, after which life’s a peach once again.

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