The world dealing with the pandemic causes many of us to go through moments of uncertainty and that is okay! If you want a little pick-me-up or something to inspire you during these extraordinary times, here are some book recommendations that’ll be your companion and help you look at things in a different light:
Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert
Wondering how to ignite that burning passion you have but don’t know where to start? This book offers readers to delve into their curiosity and how to go about something you love without being held back by your fears. Author, Elizabeth Gilbert, outlines the habits we all need to engage in in order to achieve the ultimate balance between spiritual and practical practices.
The Happiness Equation: Want Nothing + Do Anything= Have Everything by Neil Pasricha
As the title suggests, this book offers the formula to a happy life (spoiler alert: it’s not as complicated as you think). I know it may sound contradictory but to simply put it, it’s to want nothings but have everything. To find out how author Neil Pasricha illustrates this formula, read this! It will offer you a new insight into how you relatively think about everything.
The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
I’ve always been an over-thinker—you know the one who over analyses everything, who falsely creates scenarios in her head and therefore spiralling into the rabbit hole of self-destructing. Author, Eckhart Tolle, talks about the importance of staying present in the “now” whether it be in your surroundings, in silence, or in the body. It is in this state that you find your true joys and embrace your true self.
The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself by Michael Singer
One thing self-isolation has opened doors for many of us is self-reflection; it can be in the form of showing gratitude or discovering new passions (or…just lounging around— don’t worry we won’t judge because same, tbh). Author, Michael Singer, enhances self-journey as part of delving into questions like “Who am I?” and putting into the habit the idea of living with a purpose.
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life by Mark Manson
Something more #relatable in this day and age of social media with a touch of humour is by author, Mark Manson. In this book, Manson talks about reflecting on treating bad times as if they’re as worthy as the good times; precious and necessary. Providing a realistic approach on how to look at life means understanding your limitations and accepting them and this is one of the things that Manson is trying to get across (…sorry for a bit of a spoiler)
Becoming by Michelle Obama
If I was asked the question of one woman I look up to (aside from my mom, of course) I’d probably—no WILL say Michelle Obama. In this memoir, she provides readers with insight into her life from her childhood to becoming the first lady of the United States of America. Michelle Obama relates back to her readers by being open about not just her triumphs but her disappointments as well. To put it simply, she’s an inspiring woman and if you want to know more about an incredible story that touches your heart and soul (I know, I know I’m being biased) give this book a go!
The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business by Charles Duhigg
Using various situations to apply his theory—from prominent figures to organizations, author Charles Duhigg talks about how habits are formed and the potential that lies behind them. It makes us question the value it has in our daily lives. Duhigg talks about the idea that understanding a bit more of ourselves stimulates our brain into accommodating any changes that may affect us.
The Power of Vulnerability: Teachings on Authenticity, Connection, and Courage by Brene Brown
Definitely a page-turner, author Brene Brown builds on the idea of vulnerability as a strength rather than just a mere sign of weakness. Accompanied by personal stories, Brown promotes the idea of avoiding perfectionism and embracing one’s authenticity while living a life of courage and compassion.