As homeowners, we often overlook the maintenance of our windows until they start causing problems. Yet, maintaining your home’s windows is essential to secure their longevity and overall energy efficiency. 

Here’s a practical guide on how to properly care for your windows.

Regular Cleaning

Regular cleaning is key when it comes to keeping your windows looking their best and functioning well. Use a gentle glass cleaner or a solution of mild soap and water to clean both the inside and outside surfaces. Avoid abrasive cleaners or tools that could scratch the glass. Don’t forget to wipe down the frames and tracks to remove dust and debris.

Check and Repair Seals

Inspect the seals around your windows for cracks or gaps that could allow air or moisture to leak through. Seals can degrade over time since they’re exposed to various weather conditions. Replace any damaged seals right away to maintain energy efficiency and prevent water damage.

Lubricate Moving Parts

If you’ve installed windows with moving parts, just like the sliding or casement windows you’d find at Golden Windows, they could benefit from occasional lubrication. Apply a silicone-based lubricant to hinges, tracks, and rollers to ensure smooth operation. This simple step can prevent wear and tear on mechanical parts.

Trim Vegetation

Keep plants and trees near your windows trimmed. Overgrown shrubs and branches can scratch window surfaces and even cause damage during storms or windy weather. It’s important to keep a clear area around your windows — this will also help prevent pests from using branches as entrances to your home.

Repair Screens

If your windows have screens, check them regularly for tears or holes. Damaged screens can let insects in and compromise your home’s ventilation. Small tears can typically be patched with a screen repair kit, but if your screen is severely damaged, you may need to consider replacing it.

Inspect for Condensation

Condensation between window panes or excessive interior condensation can indicate issues with insulation or ventilation. Addressing these issues can help prevent moisture-related problems like mold growth and wood rot. If condensation becomes a recurring problem, it’s important to improve ventilation in your home’s affected areas and consider upgrading to more energy-efficient windows.

Consider Window Treatments

Using window treatments like blinds, curtains, or shades can help protect your windows from excessive sunlight and heat. This solution offers greater privacy and reduces the pressure on your HVAC system during hot weather.

Address Minor Repairs

Fix minor issues as soon as possible before they escalate into major problems — including tightening loose hardware, repainting wooden frames, and addressing minor cracks or chips in the glass. Regular maintenance is essential in order to extend the lifespan of your windows.

Schedule Professional Inspections

Have your windows inspected by a professional every so often. They can identify hidden issues and provide expert advice on maintenance or potential upgrades. Professional inspections can be an especially valuable resource for older windows or homes located in areas prone to harsh seasonal weather.

Caring for your home’s windows is not just about aesthetics — it’s about protecting your investment and peace of mind. By following these practical tips, you can keep your windows in top condition for years to come.

Published by HOLR Magazine

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