Personal grants refer to monetary funds that are awarded to individuals by the federal government or private organizations. The main aim of giving out personal grants is to offer financial assistance for those who might be facing difficult situations. 

They can use these funds to pay their bills or for any other personal use. The best thing about these personal grants is that they are non-repayable. This means that the recipient doesn’t need to worry about refunding the money with interest accrued back to the government or private organization. 

Unlike other government grants, which are normally very restrictive, recipients can use the money they receive for whatever purpose they want. This makes personal grants a lot more convenient than other types of grants as they cover more ground. 

Depending on what challenging situation you might be in, personal grants can be a great thing for you. With this money, you can start fresh, stop stressing about bills and even improve your life. 

What can personal grants be used for?

The use of personal grants is not usually restricted to a particular area like that of business grants. For example, if you borrowed a personal grant meant for a mortgage and you find you don’t have enough money for your kid’s school fees, you can always spend on that. 

The usage of personal grants varies from one person to another. The following are some of the things that most people spent their personal grants on;

  • Home improvements.
  • School fees.
  • Medical bills.
  • Fuel.
  • New vehicles.
  • Transport.
  • Personal assistance.
  • Mortgage.
  • Insurance premiums.
  • New home.
  • Real estate taxes.
  • School supplies.
  • Groceries.

The application process for personal grants 

The application process for personal grants is very easy. All you need to do is research all grants for individuals that might be available and the ones you qualify for. Many people do not apply for a personal one out of the fear that the process is complicated and tedious. 

This is not the case. The process can be very easy if you follow the right channel.  However, what you need to understand about applying for a personal grant is that, unlike government loans, the competition here is too high. 

Even though there are numerous charitable organizations, private entities, and other agencies representing the federal government, being selected for a personal grant is not easy. 

Every day there are thousands of people sending their applications seeking a personal grant, and some of them might have even better reasons than yours. So it’s important to remain patient when you send out your application because it is a game of chances. 

You might be picked, or you might not. When applying for a personal grant, the best approach is to weigh your options and pick the personal grant that you feel you’re the most qualified for. You might even approach an expert, someone with a respectable track record in this field. 

They will advise you on the options you’re likely to get picked so that you don’t end up spending valuable time in categories you’re not qualified for. Also, before you apply for any personal grants on the internet, be cautious as there are so many fraudulent grants out there. 

They often appear so appealing on paper, but they could end up causing more harm to your financial state when you get approved for them. Ensure that you do not give any personal information to any unverified site to get a personal grant. 

Apart from, the other approved site you can search for personal grants is The following is a step by step process you should take when applying for a personal grant:

  • Assess if the personal grant will be able to take care of your financial needs. If it can do that effortlessly, go for it. If it can’t, try identifying other sources of financial aid. You can start researching ways to increase your chances of getting a personal loan to cater to your needs.
  • Identify all the potential sources of personal grants. From the state, federal and local governments to private organizations and charity entities. The best site to look for government-provided personal grants is
  • Identify all the government grants you’re eligible for and make a list. If you do not meet the requirements of a certain grant, it’s best to leave it because if you go ahead with the application, you’ll end up rejected. 
  • Ensure you read and understand all the individual grant requirements and know their specifications. Some might be tailored for research purposes, while others might be for personal use. Consider this and make your pick according to your needs.
  • Obtain the application form for the personal grant. Depending on your needs, you’ll either get a multi-project application PDF or the single project PDF.
  • Fill out the application. In this step, ensure that you provide the correct information about yourself. If the personal grant is for research purposes, clearly articulate the mission and provide supportive visuals such as graphs and charts if possible. 
  • After you’ve completed filling out the application form, proofread to ensure that you’ve gotten every detail correctly, and then submit it.
  • Follow up on your submission. After you’ve sent out your application form for the personal grant, is likely to send you two emails within three business days. One of the emails will indicate that they have received your application and they’re reviewing it. The second email will indicate whether your application has been validated or rejected. 
  • Review the reasons for rejection. After you get the second email, they will indicate the reason for the rejection. If it’s about errors you made in the application, you can always correct them and reapply. However, if it’s about the technical requirements, you might need to reevaluate the category you chose for the personal grant altogether. 


Before you settle on applying for a personal grant from the government or any private entity, it’s important to evaluate your finances and see whether you can do without it. 

In addition, you should consider your long-term goals and whether you can salvage your current financial situation through other means. This will help make an informed decision on whether a personal grant is the best option for you or you should keep exploring.

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