Are you looking for a new direction in life and considering becoming a life coach? Life coaching can be a greatly rewarding field to enter, allowing you to help people reach their own life goals. You can use your personal life experiences to assist other people with making their own and achieve self-fulfillment with a rewarding new career. When considering entering this line of work, there are things to consider and steps to take that will allow you to achieve your dream and become a fully certified life coach.

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While it may seem like an easy career to step into, there are still certain steps you need to take, for credibility, and to be able to effectively help your clients. Life coaching requires certain skills that will allow for effective coaching. When you are looking to become a certified life coach in Florida, there may also be legalities surrounding how and where you can practice. In order to make the best effect in your clients’ lives, you will want to consider all of these aspects when setting up your successful business. Understanding what qualifications and characteristics you need to be the best life coach you can be is important. Here are some qualities that will help you to break into this career easily and effectively.

Listening Skills

In order to help people on their journey through life, one of the best qualities you can have is to be an effective listener. No one wants to get advice from someone who doesn’t listen to them, therefore, truly hearing your clients, and understanding their wants and desires, is incredibly important when it comes to being a life coach. Listening is a quality that you may possess, and learning to listen with an open mind and receptive heart can make all the difference for life coaches. You may need to listen between the lines when speaking to your clients, they may say certain things that you need to focus on. Helping people achieve their life goals will take a lot of active listening and helping people to make effective changes in their lives. If you do not have listening down to an art, then you may find it harder to reach your clients.

Motivational Speaking

Life coaches can offer individual classes, or be experts at motivational speaking to reach larger groups of people. Being a dynamic and charismatic speaker will allow you to motivate your clients in ways you could never imagine. Have you ever needed to attend a speaking event, and been completely bored by the person presenting? A far cry from captivating speakers that leave you fascinated and wanting to learn more. In the same way that teachers and professors need to grip their students’ attention to effectively teach, so do life coaches. If you can truly reach your clients with your speaking skills, you can make fundamental changes in their thinking patterns and make an impact on their lives.

Positivity is Key

Maintaining a positive attitude is one of the most important qualities to have as a life coach. Your clients may come to you when they are at a low point. They may be overwhelmed with anxiety, stress, and even fear of where their life is taking them. Having a motivational and positive attitude will allow you to give quality advice, and lead people onto a more positive track in life. No life coach can be full of negativity, as that will not work to help your clients. Maintaining a positive attitude and trying to pass that positivity onto your clients will make a world of difference.


No one wants to be judged, and chances are if they are looking for help with their lives, they are looking for someone to help them, not judge them. You need to be able to remain partial when hearing your clients’ stories, and help them move forward without judgment. A judgemental life coach will not make it very far in this industry, so remaining non-judgmental with your clients is incredibly important.

While these are not the only characteristics that life coaches possess, they are certainly some of the most important. In order to be an effective life coach, you need to at least have the basic skills of listening, motivating, and maintaining a positive attitude. If you have these qualities, then you are on the right track to becoming the best life coach you can possibly be. If you are ready to make a career change and become a positive influence in someone else’s life, then you are ready to commence your career as a certified life coach.

Published by HOLR Magazine.

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