Schools nearly out for the summer. It’s time to start thinking about how to keep your kids occupied over the extended break, all while keeping on top of your daily tasks around the house.
When children play, you can guarantee mess! Sticky fingers, paint-soaked hands and the general makeup of your child will all impact the tidiness of your home.
But hope is not lost. If you make a plan of attack in advance, you can keep on top of the clutter and keep your home looking reasonably clean throughout the summer months.
Not sure where to start? Here are our 10 top tips for keeping your house tidy this summer:
Cleaning schedules are a lifesaver
Yes, keeping your home clean and tidy is a priority. But, let’s face it, you also want your kids to have fun!
Rather than micromanaging how you clean and tidy your home during the summer, create a list of all the big jobs, and add them to a schedule.
Go a step further and assign age-appropriate jobs to one person each day of the week, such as mopping and vacuuming.
Embrace the outdoors
Get creative, make lasting memories and get the most out of the outdoors this summer.
After all, the less time you spend indoors, the cleaner your home will be!
Even if that means spending more time in the garden with a series of activities, it prevents your living room and their bedrooms from turning into a chaotic playground.
Eat outside
Summers in the UK are a mixed bag, but when it’s toasty, it’s incredible how stuffy your home can get. So rather than clambering around the table for mealtimes, venture into your garden or outdoor space.
Spills and mess are easy to clean up, and you’ll save your indoor floors from getting messy too.
Everyone can get involved
Now everyone is home for the summer; it makes sense that everyone gets involved with the day-to-day activities of your house. But don’t overdo it! Keep cleaning to an hour, even 30 minutes, before you go out and enjoy your day.
Have younger children? Even toddlers can help you take the laundry out of the washer or match pairs of socks up!
The best way to get your kids involved is to make cleaning and tidying as fun as possible. So turn it into a game. The quickest and best clean wins an exciting reward, such as choosing a day out.
Make cleaning simple
Summer is designed for relaxing, play and all-out fun, and cleaning all day long is not going to cut it! So minimise fuss and make cleaning simple:
- Have easy access to your cleaning materials
- Consider a steam mop for hard floors
- Think about the type of vacuum you use. A detachable, handheld device will give you more flexibility and help you get to those hard-to-reach spots
Ask for help
Sometimes cleaning your home is simply overwhelming, particularly if you’ve decided to sift through the clutter and reorganise your belongings. While the kids are at home, it can be even more challenging.
So stop right there. Ring up your mum, dad or friends and get them involved too. Whether that’s an afternoon kid-free or them supporting you with the big clean, you’ll be amazed at how much they will want to help.
Make sure you add in plenty of refreshment breaks, have a natter and keep yourself motivated.
Want to go a step further? Get in touch with your local London rubbish removal company, and let them do all the heavy lifting for you. They’ll take away all your clutter, sort through it and take care of donations, recycling and disposal. Plus, you won’t have to wait around in the gruelling queue at the recycling centre. Win, win.
Storage solutions make the world go round
One of the biggest bugbears for most adults is the lack of storage available in their homes. But with so many affordable and quick storage solutions available, you can easily transform your living spaces without breaking the bank.
Kids will get a kick out of easy-to-reach drawers and boxes. Plus, with more places to clear away the mess, there are fewer reasons for everyone to put away their toys and belongings at the end of the day.
Under-bed storage, shelving, hanging storage and more will quickly change the look of any room. And instantly make your home look tidy.
Make the most of summer drying
With the surge in energy prices, food and more, the cost of living is painful. Most of us won’t go anywhere near the tumble dryer, which means homes are looking more like launderettes than living spaces!
So make the most of the warm summer sun. Your clothes will feel fresher and dry quicker, and keep your floors looking tidy.
Stay on top of the contents of your fridge
Eating out is a popular summer activity. But if you’re not careful, your food at home will go off before you get a chance to eat it.
Keep tabs on expiry dates, and if you know you’re not going to eat something, consider freezing where possible. Any leftover fruit can be blitzed into a summer-friendly smoothie, or get creative and make some ice lollies!
Sell your stuff
With many online marketplaces to choose from, you can quickly shift your unwanted clutter and make some money in the process.
Go through your wardrobe and pick out the things you don’t wear. Get rid of everything from furniture to instruments, collectables and more. If you don’t use it, maybe someone else will. For anything you can’t sell, donate to your favourite local charity.
Just the idea of tidying up during the summer months is enough to make you want an extended holiday! But with a bit of help from your friends and everyone getting involved in the daily, essential tasks, it’s less of a challenge! What top tips do you have for keeping your house tidy?
Published by HOLR Magazine.