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Millions of people have mortgages, and yet not every homeowner has enjoyed a completely smooth experience when taking out a loan to purchase their dream property.

So what are the most widespread errors made when choosing and applying for a mortgage, and what should you know about this process before you dive in?

Avoid These Mortgage Pitfalls: 3 Common Mistakes to Steer Clear Of

Buying a home is an exciting process, but it’s important to know what mistakes you might be making. Here are three of the most common mortgage pitfalls that people fall into and tips on how to avoid them:

First, make sure you understand the loan terms before signing your name on any paperwork. Take time to read through all documents carefully so there won’t be any surprises in the future when it comes time for payments or other fees associated with your loan agreement.

Second, don’t assume that all lenders offer similar rates and terms. Shop around for different options, and you may find one lender who offers better interest rates than their rivals, which could save you money over time.

Lastly, don’t borrow more than what’s necessary, as this can lead to higher monthly payments down the line. Additional costs such as taxes and insurance premiums being added onto each payment cycle will hurt your available budget with time.

Don’t Bite Off More Than You Can Chew: What Can You Actually Afford?

When it comes to taking on a mortgage, you need to be realistic about what you can actually afford. Before committing yourself to any kind of loan agreement, sit down and work out exactly how much money is coming in each month compared with your monthly expenses such as rent or utilities. Make sure whatever amount left over is enough for the mortgage payments plus other living costs such as groceries, petrol and entertainment.

It’s also important to factor in any potential future changes that could affect your finances, like having children or losing a job, so that you won’t find yourself struggling should something unexpected happen. With the help of SoFi’s calculator, it won’t take long to work out the affordability of a given mortgage package.

Mortgage Approval Factors: What You Need To Know About Your Credit Score

Before pushing forward with any mortgage application, it’s wise to recognise that one of the most important things for lenders to consider is your credit score. This number can tell them whether or not you’re able to manage debt responsibly, and thus if they should extend you a loan.

It’s essential that anyone considering taking out a mortgage takes steps to improve their credit score before doing so. This might include paying off any outstanding debts, checking for errors on your report and keeping up with payments on time in order to boost your rating.

Hidden Fees and Costs that Come With Mortgages: How to Spot Them Before It’s Too Late

It can be easy to overlook the hidden costs associated with mortgages. Knowing what these are before you sign any paperwork will save you from all sorts of snafus.

Common fees include closing costs, appraisal fees, points (or loan origination fees), title search charges and insurance premiums. All of these should be taken into account when looking at your repayment plan options.

A good tip is to ask potential lenders about any additional charges during the process. If a mortgage provider isn’t transparent on this issue, it’s a bit of a red flag.

Concluding Considerations

Getting a mortgage doesn’t have to be an ordeal, but you do need to research and plan thoroughly to sidestep common mistakes. Just remember that this hard work will be worth it once you’re living in a home you own.

Published by HOLR Magazine.

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