Sleeping should be as easy as putting on your pajamas, getting into bed, and closing your eyes. Within minutes, you should be able to fall asleep and wake up eight hours later. However, this isn’t a universal experience, and many people experience poor sleep patterns due to varying causes. Below, you can learn more about the common reasons for not being able to fall asleep and what you can do about it. 

Anxiety and Stress

Anxiety and stress can have a significant impact on sleep. Many people can’t help but lay awake at night and think about everything that caused them stress and anxiety throughout the day. 

Since not getting enough sleep can sometimes result in even worse mental health outcomes, it can be worth exploring sleep products from leading providers like Joy Organics. Delta-9 sleep gummies, for example, often contain CBD, melatonin, THC, and CBN, which may help you feel more relaxed and nod off to sleep. 

Too Much Caffeine

Many coffee lovers would say there’s no such thing as too much coffee, but there is such a thing as too much caffeine, especially if you want to achieve a good night’s sleep. Caffeine blocks the sleep-promoting receptors in your brain. Studies have shown that even just a moderate dose of caffeine three or six hours before bed can result in sleep disturbances. Start cutting back on caffeine and see if it makes a difference to your sleep routine. 

Poor Sleep Habits

You may be struggling to fall asleep simply because you have poor sleep habits. These habits can include going to bed and waking up at different times each day, using electronics in bed, and eating just before you go to sleep. Even taking a nap too close to bedtime can disrupt your sleep cycle.

If you’ve been struggling with achieving a restful seven to nine hours of sleep per night, see if your sleep habits could be to blame. Consider removing electronics from the bedroom, going to bed at the same time each night, and not eating within a few hours before bed. 

Sleep-Related Disorder

Not being able to fall asleep or experiencing poor sleep may not always be related to when you’re going to bed or what you’re doing before you sleep. You may have a sleep disorder.

Insomnia, narcolepsy, sleep apnea, and restless legs syndrome are just a few of the many possibilities. Fortunately, healthcare professionals may be able to offer solutions for these problems. For example, they may recommend sedating antidepressant medication and behavioral techniques for insomnia and nasal continuous positive airway pressure devices for sleep apnea

Work Schedule

Not everyone has a standard nine-to-five working schedule. Some people work late or early shifts. Others must travel through various time zones. These work schedules can wreak havoc on your body’s internal clock. Changing jobs or trying sleep products like gummies or sleeping pills may be how you train your body to sleep when you need to. 

Not being able to sleep can be frustrating, especially when you need to be well-rested for your job and family. Fortunately, identifying why you can’t sleep can be the key to developing an effective sleep solution. 

Published by HOLR Magazine.

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