The city of white-sand beaches and Latin-American culture, Miami should definitely be on your list of places to live in. However, every city has its set of pros and cons, which is why you must be aware of the place and culture when taking a fresh leap. Here are 7 facts about Miami that you should know before making the big move. 


Learn the Basics of Spanish


Since the place incorporates Latin-American culture and influences, a lot of people in Miami are well-versed in Spanish. Even if you do not speak Spanish, learning the basics of the language is highly recommended before moving to the city. While it is not mandatory, learning a few greetings and lines in Spanish to communicate with the locals can help you fit in. Moreover, if you truly want to explore Miami in-depth, learning the language becomes crucial. If you are moving to the city without a job, becoming bilingual can open up a lot more job opportunities as well. 


Summertime is Extremely Hot 


One of the most challenging aspects of living in Miami is dealing with the weather, especially if you come from a cold region. Even though most days are sunny, the coastal region sends a lot of rainstorms to this city. Summertime is extremely hot and the warm weather can get unbearable at one point. Constant exposure to the blazing sun can result in redness and irritation. To avoid further damage from the sun, apply sunscreen and wear sunglasses before you step out. Although the locals are used to the sun, they never forget to wear sunscreen and prefer to travel in light, breezy clothes.  


A Great Place for Art Lovers


Miami is an art hub and attracts people from all over the world to visit the city’s art district. The art scene boomed even more due to Art Basel where local and international artists display their work. Furthermore, art murals, graffiti, and street art across various neighborhoods in Miami add to the vivid character of the city. Along with this, the Art Deco-themed architecture and lively music are other cultural aspects you must experience when visiting Miami. 


Low Cost of Living


While the salaries in Miami are low, the cost of living is low too. This compensates for the money you earn and the kind of lifestyle you wish to live. The best way to save more money is by looking for a condo in a cheap yet safe neighborhood. As suggested by the experts at, taking help from trusted online sources and local brokers can help you find a condo or house for rent in a safe neighborhood. To make things easier, find a job and an apartment to live in before you move to the city. 


Be Wary of the Neighborhoods


Miami is perceived as a dangerous city due to the number of crimes that are reported on a monthly basis. However, the notorious image has been formed just because of a couple of bad neighborhoods with a high crime rate. While some are extremely safe and allow you to walk late till night, other neighborhoods can be a bit shady as the day ends. Walking alone in such neighborhoods should be avoided as nabbing and mugging are common sights late at night. The best way to prevent such situations is by keeping away from such neighborhoods. Try to stay close to your friends and feed an emergency contact on your cell phone. 


Explore New Cuisines


The food scene in Miami is spectacular and attracts a number of visitors every year. As mentioned, the Latin influence has procured numerous interesting cuisines and food options for the locals and tourists. The restaurants are super affordable and the food fits well within your budget. Among multiple food items to try, Miami’s famous Cuban sandwich and seafood should definitely be on your list. Do not forget to try the street food when exploring the city. 


Life is a Party in Miami


The people of Miami know how to party and live life to the fullest. This is also why you can find a club and bar at almost every corner of the city. They party till late and sleep late, which is why most businesses start late during the day. The locals believe in living life simply as they do not like to do things in haste. 

Miami attracts several tourists and party-goers every year, which means that you may see a lot of people in the city center most of the time. Eventually, you will get used to the laid-back attitude and the breezy personalities of the locals. Over time, Miami starts to feel like home. 

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