Out of the many faces of our at-home workouts this year, Peloton instructor Olivia Amato is one to be admired for her upbeat, fun and motivational workouts that have pushed us into bettering ourselves.

Olivia, born and bred in New York, swapped her career in Finance to pursue her dreams of making her hobby her job. With lacrosse, field hockey, cheerleading and track all under her belt, she’s an experienced team player and, also, fitness fanatic. After investing so much of our time and physical health into the hands of Peloton’s instructors, we’re eager to find out more about Olivia, her daily life, her best workout tips and also her feelings on the past year and what to look forward to in the coming months. 

What does a usual day look like for you as a Peloton instructor? 

For me, my days are all so different! On Monday, where I teach 6am ET rides, I am up at 4am ET, in the studio by 5am ET and on air by 6am ET! 

I usually take a few minutes after class to cool down and collect my thoughts, and then I go back to my apartment to feed and walk my dog Tobi (who doesn’t move after I leave and thinks waking up that early is disgraceful). 

After Tobi’s taken care of, I make a shake for myself and start to plan my classes for Tuesday and Wednesday. I usually have Content Development around 10am, where my producers and I discuss recent content and ideas. Usually, other meetings pop up such as Social, Talent and Marketing meetings or meetings with individual producers about new class ideas. 

I try to get my own workout in mid-day and have an early-ish dinner because I start to lose steam later in the day. I like to read and burn a candle or incense an hour before I do my skincare routine, brush my teeth and go to bed! 

However, on Fridays, I wake up and take a Peloton Yoga class, usually have an All Instructor meeting followed by other various meetings/class planning for Friday – and then I am teaching a run or a bootcamp live at 5:30pm ET. 

As someone who works out for a living, what’s your key to keeping physically motivated? 

I have a core set of values that I live by and try to stick to, but let’s be real – losing motivation happens to everyone, including me! Whenever I am having a tough day or am lacking motivation and I am teaching live, I think about the community who is relying on me to show up. I think of the Peloton community as my team, and I would never leave my team out to dry. Knowing that I have a team to show up for, and who will show up for me, motivates me every day – even if we can’t see each other face-to-face! 

My fellow trainers also motivate me to keep going – a Robin [Arzón] or Cody [Rigsby] pep talk ALWAYS gets me going. 

I also love listening to podcasts and Ted Talks that inspire me. I love Oprah’s “Supersoul Conversations” and Brene Brown’s “Unlocking Us”. Sometimes something as simple as looking up or writing down quotes from my inspirations help get me moving. 

What’s your best tip for recovering after a workout and avoiding muscle aches? 

Hydrate and Stretch! Make sure you are doing dynamic warm-ups and stretches before your workout and static stretches after every workout. Try to make a habit of this, and your body will respond to it! 5 minutes before and 5 minutes after makes a world of difference. I also live by sports massages when my body is super tired and/or tight from working out. Self-massage is also really great – I use the mini Theragun and take it with me everywhere!

Is there something you would recommend Members bring to a virtual class to make it as fun and effective as possible? 

For cycling classes, definitely bring large water and towel. I like to put a caffeinated Nuun tablet in my water bottle for morning classes. For Strength workouts – a mat! We do A LOT of ab exercises on our backs, so it’s important to be comfortable. For runs/bootcamps, an open mind – try something new and see how your body responds! 

What would someone take from one of your classes? What is your ultimate goal for Members participating in your classes? 

I want every rider and runner to realize that they are an ATHLETE and that we are capable of doing hard things! At Peloton, we workout with athletes from every level – from Olympic-level athletes to beginner athletes. This is a place for everyone to join, to feel welcome and safe, and to get stronger, both mentally and physically. At the end of whatever class, I want everyone to feel better than they did when they started. 

How does being a Peloton instructor compare to your team sports like lacrosse and field hockey? 

I look at the community, my fellow instructors and work colleagues as my team! I love the camaraderie of being on a team and cheering each other on. Knowing that other people rely on me is a big factor that keeps me so motivated! I always try to practice what I preach, so I will never tell my riders/runners to do something and not do it with them, or not show up myself. This mentality was built over time from playing team sports all throughout my life. 

2020 has been a huge year for Peloton – looking back, how would you describe being a part of the team? 

I’m honestly honoured to work at Peloton with all of my fellow instructors and colleagues. Working at Peloton has made me realize that superheroes are real – and I am working side-by-side with them! Showing up and getting up there every day, even when things get tough, is a testament to the mental and physical strength and incredible core values of this team. The fact that I get to inspire millions of people from all around the world is an absolute dream, and I am truly grateful to be here. 

Can you tell us about any plans for the next year? 

I don’t have any real plans yet, as we know this has been a hard year and a lot of things have been put on hold due to it! I just bought a house, so I’m working on furnishing it and getting it set up on my days off! Other than that, I will continue doing what I do best: working hard and showing up for my team!

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