Unfortunately, It’s very common for drivers to lose focus while driving on the road. The reason for this is that some hit the road when drunk, while others have their eyes on their phones, texting and browsing the internet. These dangerous actions cause numerous pedestrian and car accidents, resulting in multiple deaths and severe injuries. If you have been involved in one of those accidents, where an irresponsible driver has hit you, there are a few things you need to do to protect your rights. Knowing all your legal rights and being persistent in claiming them can be a challenge. Keep reading because we gathered some valuable information you need to know about after getting hit by a car.

The Right to Claim Compensation in Hit-and-Run Situations

When a driver accidentally hits a pedestrian and is keen on helping them and following up on their situation, the driver may only face a personal injury lawsuit and can be required to pay high compensation to the pedestrian. However, when the driver strikes a pedestrian and runs, they will probably face criminal charges. A driver may even face jail time and get arrested for a felony because of the hit-and-run situation. If a car driven by a reckless driver has hit you, and the driver dashed once the accident took place, you need to get in touch with your attorney to claim your compensation. Your attorney will be able to file a report to the police reporting the accident, which will condemn the careless driver and let them face the charges.

The Right to Hold Drunk or Intoxicated Drivers Responsible

If the driver was under the influence of alcohol or drugs, they will be arrested and convicted for DUI (Driving Under the Influence). Getting hit and injured by a drunk driver’s vehicle gives you the right to incriminate them as drunk driving is considered aggravating circumstances, which means the driver will be facing a longer jail time. In such cases, your lawyer will be responsible for making sure you receive proper medical care, arranging your transportation, and dealing with your bills after the accident. You should always refer to an attorney who will fight for your rights, as suggested by the LA-based lawyers at https://www.cd-lawyers.com/, but first, make sure they have the experience and resources they need to win your case. An experienced lawyer will be able to negotiate with insurance companies to provide you with the highest compensation possible.

The Right to File Non-Criminal a Third-party Insurance Claim 

The driver of the vehicle that hit you is responsible for the accident. If they did not hit you and run or were not under the influence of drugs or alcohol, your lawyer can file a personal injury lawsuit against them seeking compensation for the losses caused by the accident. The expenses covered by the driver’s insurance include medical care, lost wages, time missed at work, and any other damages. Your attorney can also file a third-party insurance claim against the driver’s insurance company to prove that it was not your fault but the driver’s. Insurance companies like to push back on pedestrian’s claims and will do their best to prove that they were at fault. Therefore, you need a strong reliable attorney who will be able to negotiate fiercely for your rights.

The Right File a Wrongful Death Claim

The at-fault driver who hits a pedestrian resulting in the death of the pedestrian can face a wrongful death lawsuit. The driver may also face criminal charges, but this only happens under certain circumstances. If the driver of the vehicle was driving recklessly before the accident or was drunk or intoxicated, they are likely to face criminal charges for vehicular manslaughter. If you’re a part of the deceased’s family, make sure you inform the attorney of all the details of the accident to guarantee the deceased’s rights. If there were no criminal assets involved in the accident, you can file a civil lawsuit against the driver responsible for causing the death. The civil lawsuit will claim compensation for your family’s losses, including loss of the deceased’s financial support, lost companionship, and funeral expenses.

When you or a family member gets hit by a car, you may suffer from some physical injuries and possible emotional trauma. You may also have to time off work, which results in a loss of financial support. You may not be able to execute some of your normal daily routines, like eating, dressing, showering, or taking care of your family. Many pedestrians are involved in car accidents that can either knock them unconscious or just leave them stunned by the impact. If you were conscious after the car accident, you will probably remain in a state of shock for a while, which is why it pays to understand your legal rights so you would know how to act in such unexpected situations. 

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