It is common for people to want to snack on something sweet and sugary, but it will be helpful to think of healthy snacks as a form of wellness insurance for both adults and children.

Here are some on-the-go healthy snacks such as  to try out:

A Mason jar of yogurt, berries and nuts:

Combine fresh strawberries, blueberries, plain yogurt and some almonds in a mason jar and pop it in the fridge the night before a busy day for an easy snack or breakfast you can eat anywhere. Up the ante by adding some chia seeds and hemp hearts to get your omega-3s for the day. This snack is high in protein, antioxidants and healthy fats.

Project meal plan

Kale chips:

Chips don’t have to be unhealthy. Roast a batch of kale with some olive oil and spices and store it in an airtight container for a quick, nutritious snack. High in vitamin K and full of fibre this leafy green provides a great mid-day crunch.

Picky eater

Trail mix

Before you go nuts on store-bought trail mix filled with added salt, oil and sugar, consider making your own. Buy raw almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, cashews and dried apricots to create your personalized concoction. Nuts are great healthy fats and studies have shown that eating them on the regular is linked to a lower risk of heart disease. Make sure to portion out the amount you can eat so you don’t go overboard.

Eat this, not that

Protein Balls:

Skip sugar-filled granola bars and make your own homemade protein balls. Use ingredients like almond butter, chia seeds, ground flax and dark chocolate for a much-needed mid-day boost. Just be careful not to eat the whole batch, as they are a tasty treat that can also be high in fat.

Vegan Heaven

Roasted Chickpeas:

Make your own instead of buying pre-packaged roasted chickpea snacks that can be filled with sodium and oils. Add heart-healthy turmeric or cumin or even cinnamon (which helps maintain your blood sugar). They can satisfy your need for that crunchy treat instead of resorting to a bag of potato chips.


A smoothie is a great way to quell hunger while getting your greens. Try avocado, cucumber, kale, a green apple and some chia seeds. Put your smoothie in a Mason jar with a lid so you can drink it anytime or try a travel smoothie cup with a ball inside that will help separate any ingredients. 

Homemade muffin:

Not all muffins are created equal. Skip the oversized baked goods at your local coffee shop and bake your own at home. It is easy to customize these treats by skipping refined sugar and even flour. Try a banana, apple, zucchini or carrot version. There are loads of recipes for high-protein muffins that allow you to control how much fat and sugar is in your snack.

For more healthy snacks, check out Canada Living.

Published on HOLR Magazine.


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