For her latest collection, artist Briony Douglas explores the history of pop-culture icons with 3D Collage sculptures. Each collage is carefully curated with pieces that tell the story of the subject while acting as part of a bigger whole. The collection aptly titled Homage is meticulously researched and had Briony sourcing items from around the world. We interviewed Briony about the inspiration behind the collection and what she hopes to achieve through it.

The Homage exhibit is running from now until April 13th, daily from 12-8pm at 49 Ossington Avenue, Toronto. 

Your style as an artist is very unique- How did you develop it?

My style is constantly changing and evolving as I grow as an artist! I believe these 3D collage sculptures came as a natural evolution from my photography, then to digital collage art and now physical collages.

‘The Crown’ by Briony Douglas

What inspired the Homage collection?

The want to create something more permanent that would make people stop and think about what they are looking at.

This project seems like such a big undertaking- Where do you start?

A lot of research goes into each piece before I even begin to think about what it’s going to look like. I sourced pivotal points in the subjects life as well as unique facts people may not know and from there I research items from all over the world that would represent that point or fact and have them shipped in.

‘Jumpman’ by Briony Douglas

The pieces are so well-thought and meticulously put together- how long did it take you to source everything? And create it?

Each piece took about half a year to create. With items being sourced from all over the world the most time-consuming aspect was the research and finding the parts that were applicable to telling the history of that piece.

Why did you choose the brands and people that you did for this collection like Kanye’s Graduation Bear, Chanel, Jumpman, etc.?

Each subject not only held significant meaning to me but also had a rich history that would translate well into the concept.

‘Graduation Bear’ by Briony Douglas

What’s your favourite piece and why?

I have three favourites Jumpman, The Crown and Chanel, no particular reason they just spoke to me the most in the end!

‘Barbie’ by Briony Douglas

What message were you hoping to share through this collection?

I am hoping in the fast-paced world of social media people will take a moment to stop and think about what they are looking at. To properly take in the art you need to stop and read about the different elements that are making the one.

‘Chanel’ by Briony Douglas

Do you have any rituals you follow to get into a creative headspace?

Not really, but I do need to be in a good headspace to create or I will resent the finished product when it’s done.

Follow Briony on Instagram @briony

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