Did Taylor Swift Ruin Lorde’s Career? HOR breaks down the rumors.

What did Lorde say about Taylor?

This is all alleged, but according to this TikTok video posted by user @celelbriteablinds, Lorde reportedly blames Taylor Swift for ruining her career.

Did Taylor Swift Ruin Lorde's Career?

Image Credit: Instagram

Is Lorde and Taylor Swift friends?

As noted in the TikTOk video, Lorde allegedly blames Swft for her lack of success in the industry because Swift reportedly told others not to work with her. So, did Swift really ruin Lorde’s career? There is no concrete evidence to support this claim.

Lorde and Taylor Swift Friendship

According to this related article, the duo have been friends for over 10 years so it is difficult to verify the validity of this rumor.

What do you think about the rumors? 

Published by HOLR Magazine.