Homelessness in Toronto is rapidly increasing especially during and after the pandemic where people lost their jobs, businesses and much more. Dr. Liza who is a celebrity body & posture expert has teamed up with actor and artist Callum Keither Rennie to create and design a line of t-shirt to help raise funds for the local community in Toronto

Homelessness in Toronto is a very serious subject, with an approximate total of almost 9000 experiencing it and many more under the “hidden homelessness” category as well. Many factors come into play when categorized under homeless, which also brings a certain stigma to homeless people who are shown on the street begging for food or money. Many of the people you see on the street can or could be homeless for a number of reasons, some have jobs but cannot afford a place to live, others are in debt, and many have been living homeless for so long that they are homeless due to drug or alcoholism. 

Dr. Liza and Callum of Motor Lodge Studio have teamed up to help face the hardship in Toronto especially after witnessing this because of the pandemic. As the cold winter months of Canada are quickly nearing Callum and Dr. Liza want to raise as many funds as they could to help out the homeless and raise money to help as many people out as possible. 

Callum has designed a series of art-printed t-shirts that will retail for about $50 and $10 of each sale will go to someone in need. This initiative is not only to raise money but to also bring awareness to homelessness in Toronto. 

November 30th, 2021, is Giving Tuesday, Dr. Liza and Callum are encouraging people if they can to help someone out that day. Dr. Liza asks if you see someone in need, donate to them, give them $10, buy them a meal, it is best to give back as much as you can. 

To also help, you can purchase one of the limited-edition t-shirts at their online shop

Article published by HOLR Magazine

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