The COVID-19 pandemic created a massive shift with work, socializing, teaching, and learning! For some of us, the shift was not too drastic. Some of us have had experiences with online classes or having to work remotely for whatever reason. For others, this is a massive shift that involves learning a whole new set of skills. Both ends of this spectrum have posed a lot of questions about how work styles and education will continue when the pandemic restrictions lift. Education has been the largest concern; do we like this? Are kids getting a proper and quality education? Will there always be mandatory online courses? Is this skill-building or deteriorating? Ontario Virtual School and Leger took a poll on the current attitude and concerns Canadians have towards E-learning in COVID-19. Here are some stats: 

74% of Canadians are concerned about the impact of COVID-19 of the continuity of learning 

  • o Many are concerned but reports and talk are speculating that this will be a more positive impact. Despite the stigma some attach to the concept of ‘change’, especially in regard to education during an unpredictable, unfamiliar time – this shift in learning has the possibility to teach kids more skills in tech, adapting, and motivation. Many people struggled with being motivated to get work done once this hit, these kids will be more familiar with tactics and strategies to more successfully handle it. 

64% Think e-learning will deliver even when things return to normal. 

  • o Online classes are not a new thing, high schoolers, college, and university kids take them fairly often for some form of convenience (whether it be financial, time-based, increase a GPA, the list goes on). In previous years, more adults have been hopping on board to do online courses, or workshops just because it’s an easy and convenient way to learn something new. The kids were the only ones left without an online learning option, but if it’s been proven not only possible but extremely convenient, it makes sense that it may continue when we see it’s a positive effect on younger generations. 

29% of parents would consider paying for private e-learning specialist. 

  • o It makes sense, this way kids can get someone on one or more personal time to really focus on the studies, considering being home can be distracting, and learning online with 23 other kids at once can be not only difficult, overwhelming, and easy to slip into the cracks. The issue is with the pandemic, people are not all in the most stable financial situation, so not everybody can afford private e-learning. 

45% of Canadians state that their kids enjoy staying at home for learning, 40% say otherwise. 

  • o The best way for each of us to learn varies depending on the person. E-Learning can be the tool that helps kids thrive more, while not so much for the kids that excel in other forms and skillsets. It proves to be a struggle for some right now, but when this lifts and there are live classrooms as well as more e-learning options for kids, we might see an encouraging shift from this wider range of accessible learning styles. 

60% Worry teachers aren’t trained for e-learning. 

  • o This may be the case considering nobody could have predicted this situation we have all found ourselves in. This posed more of an issue when this all started, rather than when classes are ending. Teachers have had the time to learn with the students how to get the best use out of e-learning. With a few month’s experience under their belt now, and summer coming up, there is an opportunity for everyone to familiarize themselves with e-learning, making a better experience for everyone involved. 

60% of Canadian parents say their kids already acquired the skills gained from E-learning.

  • The majority of Canadian parents agree that the digital and technical skills kids are acquiring from E-learning will help them be more competitive in the labour market.

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