Stress is the feeling of being overwhelmed or unable to cope with mental or emotional pressure. Small amounts of stress can be good and help you get stuff done. But higher levels of stress can have a serious impact on your mental and physical health, so it’s important to find ways to manage it.

Stress relief can come in different ways for everyone, but here are some tips that can be always helpful.


Take the time to create a Zen space where you can meditate and relax. Reaching a meditative state takes practice, but there’s a variety of online resources and apps that will help guide you through the process. Meditation can help ease anxiety and improve concentration. So, peace out to those heavy thoughts and relax.

Stop multitasking

It may be hard to complete all your daily tasks without doing some of them at the same time. But multitasking produces a lot of stress. As hard as you try, you can’t fully concentrate and multiple things at a time. Not only is multitasking totally inefficient, but it’s also linked to the increased production of stress hormones (cortisol and adrenaline) that can send your body into panic mode. So, chill out and take things one step at a time.

Clean and organize your space

Yes, it may seem like a hassle and hard to find the motivation to do it. But after a while, you may find the process therapeutic and a distraction from everything in your life that’s keeping you anxious. Besides, the mess can really start to clutter up your mind. Remember, tidy room, tidy mind.

Get some sleep

You probably have a lot to do and feel like sleeping is the last thing on your mind. And stress can interfere with sleeping and cause insomnia. But sleeping is one of the main things to relieve stress. Your body and your mind need stress to function properly. It may be hard but try to get a good night’s sleep.


Writing and pouring it all out can be very helpful to just get that weight off your shoulders. The best part about it is that you don’t even have to be an excellent writer to do it, no one will read it. Take some time to write whatever and however, you’re feeling. And if you want an even greater epiphany…burn that piece of paper and let it all go.

Cut toxic people off

This one can be hard. Usually, toxic people are close to our personal lives and we have an emotional attachment to them. But if the only thing they’re bringing into your life is stress and anxiety…it’s not worth it to keep them in it. Surround yourself with positive people that add value to your life.

Hopefully, these tips will be helpful to ease some of the stress you may be carrying. Just remember things will get better eventually and never be afraid of reaching out and looking for help when needed.

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