Why did Jared Leto climb the Empire State Building? HOLR breaks it down.

What actor scaled the Empire State Building?

According to this TikTok video posted by user @dailymail, Jared Leto is going viral for climbing the Empire State Building.


Jared Leto CLIMBED the EMPIRE STATE BUILDING to announce the upcoming WORLD TOUR of his band, ‘Thirty Seconds to Mars’ #fyp #jaredleto #empirestatebuilding #climb #wow #viral

♬ original sound – Daily Mail

Why is Jared Leto climbing the Empire State Building?

Leto scaled the Empire State Building as a publicity stunt to promote his upcoming music tour, as noted here. On Thursday morning, the star climbed the fourth tallest skyscraper in New York City to promote the Seasons 2024 World Tour.

Jare Leto said the following in a press release, as noted here.

“The building is a testament of all the things that can be done in the world if we put our minds to it, which is largely the inspiration behind our most recent album, ‘It’s The End Of The World But It’s A Beautiful Day.’”

According to this article, Leto is apparently the first person ever to legally climb to the top of the Empire State Building.

The Seasons 2024 tour allegedly kicks off on March 15.

What do you think about Leto’s latest accomplishment?

Published by HOLR Magazine.

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