Does Michael Cera own CeraVe skincare? HOLR breaks down the rumors.

Michael Cera CeraVe Ad?

According to this TikTok video posted by user @deuxmoi, there is a blind item claim floating around alleging that Cera is the “brains” behind the popular skincare brand, CeraVe.

Michael Cera CeraVe

Image Credit @deuxmoi TikTok

Michael CeraVe

Have you ever wondered where the name comes from? People have allegedly been speculating that CeraVe actually has something to do with Cera. Allegedly, Cera also has a “flawless complexion” as outlined in the blind item claim.

Supposedly, the blind item alleges that someone who used to date Cera claimed that he had a “shrine” in his bathroom filled with CeraVe products. Also, his skin is supposedly very “soft, clear skin.”

Is this what Cera has been hiding? Does he have something to do with the brand?

Michael Cera CeraVe Commercial?

Photos of the actor reportedly carrying bags of CeraVe products captured by the paparazzi started circulating wildly online, followed by images of him handing out CeraVe to people on the streets of NYC. This also got people talking recently.

There are whispers that Cera and the brand might be collaborating but this has not been confirmed.

Michael Cera CeraVe

Image Credit @deuxmoi TikTok

Michael Cera CeraVe Campaign?

Cera has not addressed these claims, but what do you think about the alleged rumors surrounding the actor and the brand? Is this all just fun PR where Cera could be working with the brand, or could it be true?

Only time will tell.

Published by HOLR Magazine.

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