Does it feel like you’ve tried just about every beauty item on the supermarket shelves and still aren’t seeing much in terms of results? Do you want to find a way to lessen those fine lines and wrinkles, get that natural flush and glow to your skin, and look more youthful? While the skincare routine you use will certainly play a large role, there are so many other things you could be doing that will provide you with major beauty benefits.

With that said, we’ve gone ahead and put together a list of three daily habits that you can start to include in your routine and that will be able to deliver the beauty benefits you’ve been craving.

Stick to Your Skincare Regimen

When starting out, it’s important to pick a skincare regime and stick to it. This means whether you’re at home or traveling. Each morning should begin with the same steps and products, and the night should have its own steps and products too.

Now that’s not to say you can’t swap out products and try new ones here and there, or use a product every other day or once a week depending on the instructions. The idea is that you’re creating a routine that you stick to so your skin never has a chance to get out of control.

A good basic regime to follow is: use a gentle daily cleanser, apply sunscreen in the morning, moisturize in the morning and at night, exfoliate one to three times a week, and use targeted products. Targeted products could be items like an acne treatment or an anti-aging product, and so forth.

Get Your Beauty Sleep

If you find you look tired and dull each morning, there’s a good chance you aren’t getting enough sleep or enough high quality sleep. Statistics show that about 25% of Americans do in fact suffer from insomnia, which means they aren’t getting enough sleep each night. This lack of sleep not only affects your ability to focus and function, but it can also have an effect on your physical appearance. In order to address sleep issues, you need to figure out what is causing them in the first place.

Holr Magazine featured an article titled 4 Solutions to Common Sleep Disruptors that discusses just this issue. “When you can identify sleep disruptors, you can then start making your life and home more conducive to sleep.”

And what are common sleep disruptors? Well, you may want to look at your mattress. If it’s old, or just not a very supportive or comfortable mattress, then you aren’t doing yourself any favors. Memory foam mattresses are a great all-around option as noted on “They’ve been getting a lot of attention lately, and they’re truly one of the best types of mattresses you can buy,” stated Holr Magazine.

Eat a Healthy Well-Balanced Diet

Then we have your actual diet. Whatever you eat and drink in a day is going to have a direct result on your skin. Some of the best items to grab for are those that have anti-oxidant benefits. This means they will be able to fight damage on the skin. Some great examples of anti-oxidant foods are nuts, salmon, berries, beans, spinach and leafy greens, tomatoes, carrots, and apricots.

At the same time, it’s wise to limit the amount refined sugar and processed foods you eat, as they can speed up the signs of aging.

By following each of these daily habits, and making sure you stick to them, you’ll be able to enjoy the beauty benefits that they bring.