Rats are animals frequently used by laboratories to test new products to see if they are safe for use in humans. In fact, rats have been used for centuries for testing scientific investigations as well as to study human behavior. This is because humans and rats share a lot of biological, physiological, and behavioral traits.


Even though we are physically very different, the way we operate as organisms is alarmingly similar. While this is great for science, it is a bit of a problem for the general population. In a sense, rats are just as resilient, creative, and quick to multiply as humans. The problem is that this means a lot of problems that plague rats, can have the same effect on humans also be a problem for humans. Considering the unsanitary conditions that rats live in and that they are able to penetrate any kind of human habitation means that they are a continuous threat to easily bringing any diseases or fleas into our homes. Whether you are running a business or you have a rat infestation at home, it is never a simple or easy matter to deal with. Moreover, it is something that should not be taken lightly, it is a very worrying situation and a threat to human health. Here are a few reasons why rat infestations are a serious problem.


1.  They Host Parasites

Recently we have had to face the COVID-19 pandemic and millions of people across the world have lost their lives to this problem. However, the deadliest pandemic that we have ever faced on this planet was during the 1300s, in which we lost an estimated 200 million people. This was known as the Black Death, The Black Plague, or the more scientifically, the bubonic Plague. This plague spread through parts of  Europe, Asia, and Africa, leaving a trail of death in its wake. The culprit was believed to be the humble rat, but in reality, it was the fleas that live in the rats’ fur. Rats, in general, are home to all kinds of parasites such as ticks and fleas and as they move around different places, they are also transporting these deadly little parasites. 

2.  Will Ruin Goods

Rats are scavengers, and the main reason they enjoy human habitation is that there is usually a large supply of food available and a big supply of all kinds of resources. Rats will eat nearly anything, and they will happily eat everything that humans eat. In fact, rats will chew through containers to access what they want, and you can even see signs of rats on extremely thick plastic dustbins and even wood that has been chewed through. Things like bags of crisps and other thin materials that are used to store food are no match for a rat. Moreover, rats will defecate near the place where they eat and this could contaminate your supply of food. Rat feces, urine, and even saliva can be extremely harmful to human health.

3.  Can Harm Humans

These little creatures and sometimes not so little can be quite a handful to handle. While humans commonly keep other members of the rodent family as pets, rats are a different breed altogether. In certain situations, they can attack and cause harm. Generally, they will only launch an attack as a means to stun the enemy and get enough time to run away, but that bite is dangerous. As the saliva of rats is not safe for humans, make sure that very small babies and bedridden adults are securely protected from anything that might draw rats to their rooms. Not only is it harder for these groups of people to recover from injuries, but they are also more prone to rat bites in the case that you have rats in the home. Also, beware of scratches from rats. They have very long, sharp, pointy nails that can easily pierce human flesh and the wound can easily be infected, again needing immediate medical care

4.  Medical Problems

Through rat saliva, rat bites, cuts, feces, urine, and the parasites that they harbor in their bodies, rats are a threat to human health. Rats can easily spread diseases such as rat-bite-fever, salmonellosis, and Hantavirus. In fact, even after a few hundred years since the Black Plague, cases of the Bubonic virus are still reported today as it has not been entirely eradicated from rats. Many of these diseases start out with the regular symptoms of a cough, a fever, swelling of the thyroid glands, and even body aches. While they can be treated, if they are left untreated, they can be fatal.

The best way to protect yourself from rats is to keep the environment as clean as possible. The best place for a rat to be is a place where they can easily find food and water. Whether this is in the form of a can of food that you forgot on the kitchen counter or an open trash can that is full to the brim with kitchen waste. If a rat senses that there is food to be found, it will attract other rats as well.