Running a business in any niche can be challenging, especially if you are dealing with sensitive information. Whether this sensitive information concerns internal business matters or upcoming projects with clients, every aspect of your business deserves security for its own unique reasons.

While there are several ways for you to protect data and sensitive documents on your computers and personal devices, things get a bit more complicated when you deal with ensuring security in the business processes.

If you also have the same concerns, here are some of the best ways you can improve the security of your printing workflow.

1. Ensure User Authentication

Authentication is like a layer of security that you can add to your printing workflow. This approach gives you the peace of mind that only the intended people can access confidential printouts of data and documents.

You can choose an authentication method that suits your needs and preferences the best. It is best to track the results yielded by these efforts so that you can make timely changes to your strategy if needed.

2. Update Security Settings

You do not only have to worry about what happens after your print is printed. You can also make changes to the printer’s security settings to maximise the document security in your printing workflow. 

Make sure to activate the security features of your printer. Look into factors such as encryption, authentication, and authorization to ensure a safe workflow. This will help safeguard your sensitive data and ensure that only authorised personnel can access print jobs.

3. Use a Print Management Service

Another way of improving document security in your printing workflow is to use managed printing solutions. This service allows you to enjoy more efficiency and productivity and manage your printing outcome.

Toner costs, frequent print replacements, and unexpected breakdowns can all contribute to hidden costs that slowly add up over time and hinder your business finances. Your managed printing solutions can also help you ensure the security of your documents through a well-crafted security plan.

4. Track Printing Activity

You must always keep track of your printing activity to look at any suspicious behaviour and take timely action. It is the best way for you to ensure unauthorised people are not able to access your sensitive documents and information.

Several auditing software programs make tracking the prints easy. You can view this auditing report from time to time to ensure that only the relevant people have access to sensitive data.

5. Train Your Employees

One of the best ways to ensure that your documents are safe after printing is to tr ain your employees about the best practices. It may take some time for your employees to perfect the art of safe printing, but every bit of effort counts.

Communicate the importance of safe printing with your employees and ensure that your employees avoid any risk of data loss or theft. Right and timely actions to train your employees can save you from bigger losses in time.

Published by HOLR Magazine.