The outdoors have been beckoning our exploration since covid started. With camping being a perfect way to destress and enjoy isolation, this summer is the perfect opportunity, but don’t forget these 5 often-overlooked essentials for your next camping trip.

Without having to distinguish the difference between glamping and camping, we are here to discuss things that are often overlooked for real camping adventures that will often make or break a good camping experience.

Before we begin, however, I would like to point out all camping equipment you should be prepared to bring if you wanna do an impromptu camping trip. With obvious essentials of camping clothes, bathroom essentials, food & water, sleeping bag, tent, sleeping pad, cookware, first aid, a camp stove, and a campers multi-tool or a knife. With location-dependent gear of mosquito repellent and sunscreen.

With these out of the way, it’s time to look at 5 camping items that can make or break a camping trip.

Water Filter

Water is an absolute necessity and should some water be spilled, lost, contaminated, or simply not enough in the trip. Not having enough water will ruin any experience, especially if there is a several-hour walk carrying all your camping supplies until you resupply. A water filter is a must should anything go haywire as most camping trips do at some point or another.

Five Camping Essentials That Are Often Overlooked


As the light turns to night, we may not always be prepared for the sudden darkness. If our bodies haven’t adjusted to the sleep schedule of the sun, as all generally stay up way later, having light will greatly aid any activities we wish to accomplish at night. Headlamps are amazing for this role as they allow us to be hands-free in the wild terrain and a sense of ease as they will always light up exactly what we’re looking at, being situated on top of our heads. Headlamps join our list as they far match any flashlight for ease of use on a camping trip.

Waterproof Lighter

A waterproof lighter is a very seriously undervalued asset especially for longer trips where the weather may not be as predictable as we may want. Should a regular lighter get wet, many campings trips can not only go sour but even dangerous. Fire is essential for many meals or sanitization of drinking water, which places this item on our top list.

Five Camping Essentials That Are Often Overlooked

Multi Spice Shaker

Probably the single-handedly most overlooked camping equipment, the multi-spice shaker will save any meal poorly planned or executed on a camping trip. Often the most missed things while camping is wifi, a warm shower, and good warm food. Having bad to mediocre food will tarnish any camping experience, making this item easily essential to a good camping experience.

GPS Tracker

More of a safety precaution, should one ever get lost as it is easy to do particularly for new campers, a GPS tracker can save your life. Although best to camp with someone who knows the area or work your way up to more difficult excursions. Sometimes we can’t resist a nice long walk into the woods, so having a GPS tracker will at the very least help you keep peace of mind knowing you’re able to get to safety should something go wrong.

Five Camping Essentials That Are Often Overlooked


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