Since the legalization of cannabis and other phytocannabinoids in Canada in 2018, CBD has risen in popularity and many people are curious about implementing it into their day-to-day. CBD, or cannabidiol, has become a popular discussion between cannabis and non-cannabis users due to its unique properties.


Photo Credit: Edit Seven (2019)

CBD differs from THC; the typical component that is smoked with recreational cannabis users. While they are both plant-derived cannabinoids, CBD is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid that doesn’t impair one’s cognitive abilities or produces mind-altering effects. Additionally, it’s commonly derived from hemp plants. When ingested for medical purposes, it is commonly used to relieve pain and unwanted discomfort in the body.

Contrary, THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, is the main psychoactive component of the cannabis plant. It is the primary agent responsible for creating the “high” that recreational cannabis users experience when consuming it. THC produces mind-altering effects by binding to receptors in one’s brain, known as cannabinoid receptors, and interferes with the normal functions occurring in the brain.

Anyone can implement CBD into their daily lives – finding the best form of consuming CBD that works well for each individual is so important so that the experience is both safe and enjoyable! There are many different variations of consuming CBD; some forms include topical creams and ointments, aromatherapy tinctures, ingestible products such as food and drinks, and vape oils. Ontario-based CBD boutiques such as Calyx Wellness, CUCCI, and LAMM Wellness offer a variety of these products.

CBD has been proven to have a large range of benefits; whether using the ingredient as a health booster or for a soothing alternative remedy, CBD can easily fit into anyone’s day-to-day.

Here are some benefits of consuming CBD:

Pain Relief

One of the primary benefits of CBD includes pain relief. Its pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties can help reduce joint pain associated with many diseases such as arthritis, osteoporosis, and multiple sclerosis. Consuming CBD for the following has resulted in increased mobility and overall wellness. If you’re seeking relief, especially in regions where it’s legally prescribed, considering options like marijuana cards might provide an additional avenue to explore.

Reduces Anxiety and Depression

CBD consumption has also been proven to be a natural, non-addictive approach to help treat and reduce anxiety and depression. CBD helps to reduce and manage stress levels when endocannabinoid chemicals, after CBD ingestion, bind with cannabinoid receptors and stimulates the body’s ability to create serotonin, a natural mood stabilizer. As a result, using CBD helps the body to manage mood fluctuations associated with various forms of anxiety and depression.

Helps Menstrual Periods and Cramping

 CBD can also help with menstrual cycles and relieve side effects such as cramping; the cannabidiol helps improve pain perception, treats inflammation, and reduces nausea symptoms. Additionally, CBD ingestion during the menstrual cycle can help relax muscles within the body and therefore ease muscle contractions.

Reduces Acne

CBD can also help reduce acne and other skin conditions due to the ingredient’s ability to adjust how the body produces sebum – the waxy, oily substance that skin creates. A 2014 study explored the effects of cannabidiol on human sebocytes, the cells responsible for producing sebum, and found that CBD prevented these cells from producing too much of the sebum.

CBD is a unique property that can provide many health benefits and can be easily consumed in so many different forms. Finding a consumption method tailored to specific needs and interests can result in a fantastic remedy that can be used to enhance one’s day-to-day.


Published by HOLR Magazine.


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