Nobis [ noh-bis]Latin.

Definition: Us. 

Nobis has donated $100, 000 to local Canadian hospitals to help protect frontline workers spearheading the fight against COVID-19. On top of this, the Canadian premium outerwear brand has announced a three-week global initiative. 

The initiative: Nobis will donate 100% of all online sales from April 10-30 to support hospitals and healthcare workers around the world responding to COVID-19 and in need of extra supplies and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

“All the focus of the outreach is on the frontline workers,” says Robin Yates, Co-Founder and Vice President of Nobis. “They’ve always been our heroes but there’s never been a time in my recollection that they’ve been more deserving of our care and compassion than now. This initiative is to show these guys how much we value their bravery and heroism.” 

Robin Yates, Nobis Co-Founder and VP [Photo Courtesy: Karl Senoron]

Nobis’ initial donation of $100, 000 was focused in Southern Ontario.

“To start, we went on the premises of ‘think globally, act locally’. The awesome thing about giving to the five hospitals and healthcare organizations was that they were able to put that money towards upfront needs and fundraising. In one case, with Headwaters Healthcare, they put our $20, 000 donation into a public match initiative and generated another $35, 000. So right away, that $20,000 manifested to $55,000–and that was only from the first stage of the initiative.”

The second phase allows customers to direct the donation funds to the organization of their choice at check out. 

“With the second phase, we decided to go global. We looked at the current challenges of the economic climate and where we have resources. We wanted to pay it forward and knew that if we weren’t sincere in asking consumers to support the second phase of this initiative, than it would have been a moot message.”

Every single transaction on the Nobis site, whether Europe, UK, Canada, or the US, for the duration of this initiative, will be delivered to hospitals or healthcare organizations. “100% of the pre-tax proceeds with absolutely no exceptions.”

“These donations are delivered with the clear understanding that this fund is to support our frontline heroes,” Yates explains. “When things get caught up from a PPE and supply standpoint, the donations will be used to honour and treat these heroes to celebrations they are deserving of, whether that be food or other hospital initiatives. We want to let these guys know how important they are to us all.”

Serge Ibaka on Team Mentality. 
Premium Outerwear Brand Nobis Names NBA Star Serge Ibaka as Global Ambassador

NBA Star Serge Ibaka, Global Ambassador for Nobis [Photo Courtesy: Justin Wu, Nobis]

Serge Ibaka, Power Forward and Centre of the Toronto Raptors and a Global Ambassador for Nobis, tells us the importance of teamwork. “Being a basketball player you learn to have team mentality, as it is impossible to win on your own. With the COVID-19 pandemic affecting everyone around the world, it’s crucial to make yourself available for a collective effort. I’m honoured to be a part of team Nobis, who is doing great work to support global healthcare workers and inspiring communities, and so proud of the work the Serge Ibaka Foundation is doing to help cities with their COVID-19 relief efforts.”To further support the novel coronavirus relief efforts, Ibaka is hosting a live talent show on his Instagram called “How Talented Are You?” The livestream provides a platform for people to showcase their talents and compete for a chance to win their city a $20, 000 donation from the Serge Ibaka Foundation. This donation was matched by DeMar DeRozan, so, the winner now stands to win $40,000 for their city’s relief efforts.

The Important and Inspiring Message of “Us.” 

COVID-19 doesn’t recognize countries’ borders. It doesn’t see race, age, or social hierarchy. The virus doesn’t heed its spread because the number in one’s bank account is higher or lower than another’s.  

The pandemic has caused hospitals to be overrun with patients, a shortage of protective equipment for those who need it most, mayhem in the toilet paper isles of grocery stores, and a need to practice social distancing.

But, it has also taught us, that even when apart, we are stronger together.

It has shown us, through initiatives like Nobis’, that there is still kindness and compassion in our world. It has shown us the silver lining that is inspiration and hope.

This incredible act has been recognized by many, including Canadian actorRyan Reynolds, who reposted the inspiring initiative on his social media.

A screenshot of a social media postDescription automatically generated

[Photo Courtesy: Ryan Reyonlds @vancityreynolds]

“We have always felt that we are citizens of a global community. We travel a lot;  we’re in approximately 40 countries now; and we’re blessed to encounter friends all around the world. For us, the idea of ‘us’ is a global message–and one with the most importance.” – Robin Yates, Nobis Co-Founder & VP.

[Photo Courtesy: Nobis @nobis]

In 2007, “Nobis”- Latin for “us” was launched. Nobis is a globally renowned Canadian premium outerwear and accessory brand that embraces the conviction that trends may come and go but style, function and quality will remain forever timeless. Collections are designed for the ever-changing global winters, unpredictable seasonal conditions and the growing need for fashionable and functional outerwear. Under InnoVision Holdings Corporation, Nobis continues to test new boundaries in the fashion outerwear and accessories markets at a rapidly growing rate. In 2010, Nobis was selected as one of the three finalists of the Markham Board of Trade Global Business Excellence Award. Nobis is currently available in over 35 countries, in North America, Europe and Asia including US, UK, Germany, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Czech Republic, Austria, Japan, Korea, and of course, our home Canada.

Born in the Republic of the Congo to parents who were both basketball players, Ibaka developed a love for the game from an early age and turned to it as an outlet during the Congo’s civil war. He played at home during his youth and then in Barcelona, Spain, where he was first drafted by the NBA to play for the Oklahoma City Thunder, and later the Orlando Magic. He was eventually traded to the Toronto Raptors in 2017, with who he later signed a three-year contract and won the NBA Championship in 2019. Outside of basketball, Serge Ibaka is committed to helping those in need through the Serge Ibaka Foundation, whose projects focus on health and education for orphans in Congo (working with UNICEF to renovate orphanages, providing healthcare supplies and medical devices such as hearing aids). When he’s not on the court or working for those in need, he enjoys playing Congolese music with friends and developing his personal style.

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