HOLR is sitting down to chat with LGBTQ+ Actress Jillian Shea Spaeder about a new short film, new singles, and what’s next for the star.

Jillian Shea Spaeder is doing it all as a singer-songwriter, director, producer, actor, and film writer, so, today, HOLR is getting the inside scoop on all of Spaeder’s new projects. From a new short film to an upcoming single and EP release, Spaeder continues to take the industry by storm. Spaeder is also speaking to HOLR about what it was like to star in the Disney+ original film, “Godmothered” alongside Jillian Bell and Isla Fisher.

Keep reading to learn all about what Spaeder has coming up and what’s next for the star!

As a talented singer-songwriter, director, producer, actor, and film writer, talk to us about how you got your start in the industry. 

I grew up doing musical theatre locally in Philadelphia. When I turned 12 I got an opportunity to go to Los Angeles to audition for film and TV. While I was there I booked a TV show called “Walk The Prank.” Since then, I have been in LA making music, films, and acting!

Tell us all about your short film, “The Noise,” which you wrote, produced, and starred in. What can we expect when tuning in? 

The Noise is about the isolation eating disorders cause. You can expect to gain a better understanding of what they feel like. Most stories about eating disorders focus on people’s bodies and weight. This film focuses more on the internal struggles.

 You also starred in the Disney+ original film “Godmothered” opposite Jillian Bell and Isla Fisher. What was this experience like? 

Filming “Godmothered” was the best experience. We got shut down early because of the start of COVID-19. Crazy times! So I’ll never forget what it was like filming. I learned so much from being surrounded by so much talent and experience.

We hear that you’re set to release your newest single and a new EP to follow. Can you tell us anything about this exciting project? 

“Fall At My Feet” is a six-song EP releasing May 17th. I made the whole EP with the most talented producer and writer Jack Gray. We spent around a year getting our favorite songs together to go on the EP!

Where did your passion for music come from? 

My parents actually met in a band in college. They still play with them to this day. I grew up singing songs with their band in bars and restaurants. Our house was constantly filled with music.

What’s next for you? 

I have been spending my time writing movies, books, shows, and songs. I like creating in any way I can. This year I have a few new acting projects coming up as well. I’d tell you if they weren’t a secret.

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Published by HOLR Magazine

Image Credits: Grace Wethor

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