Katy Perry Refuses Orlando Bloom Testimony Against 85-year-old Veteran In $10 Million Real Estate Court Battle

January 29, 2025 – Katy Perry goes on the offensive in a court case battle against an 85-year-old Veteran and refuses to let her fiancé, Orlando Bloom, testify.

Katy Perry could have never expected that trying to buy a house back in the summer of 2020 would have left her with a full-blown court case battle still ongoing in 2025.

In an article, the DailyMail revealed how Katy Perry had purchased a mansion worth $11.25 million from ex-vet Carl Westcott on  July 15, 2020. However, shortly after, Westcott tried to reverse the deal. According to the DailyMail, he claimed that his judgment had been clouded due to strong painkillers after his 6-hour back surgery and that he had made a mistake. Katy Perry and her team were unwilling to go back on the deal, eventually having to take their negotiations to court.

In 2023, the court decreed that the sale of Westcott’s mansion was valid, and Perry was the rightful owner, summarized Yahoo! News. This, however, was only the first part of Perry’s legal battle. Westcott’s family have since 2023 gone on to take legal action against the Pop Star, and in turn, Perry has counter-sued for alleged damages.

Katy Perry Strikes Back at Westcott’s Family By Counter-Suing

On February 25th, 2025, the second part of Katy Perry’s legal battle against 85-year-old ex-vet Carl Westcott’s family is planned. While Perry bought the Westcott’s mansion for $11.25 million, she is suing the family for alleged damages which happened before she took ownership.

DailyMail reported that the Westcott family claimed “[t]he “damages’ being sought are absolutely egregious.”

Perry has sued for $6 million in damages. According to the DailyMail, these repair damages accumulated while Perry waited to move into the property.

As Lawyer Monthly reports, Katy Perry’s fiancé Orlando Bloom has also been pulled into this legal dispute, having received a subpoena to appear in court.

Orlando Bloom is “Off-Limits”

After Orlando Bloom received a subpoena from the Westcott family to appear in court, Katy Perry and her team have moved to overturn this. According to the DailyMail, Perry claims that this court battle has been transformed into a “media circus” and that her family is “off-limits”. They go on to report that Bloom has “no knowledge” of the damages case, and it is unjustified to drag him into court.

Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom have been together since 2016 and have a 4-year-old daughter.

For now, what will happen during the second phase of Perry’s real estate battle remains to be seen, but she clearly does not want her family involved.

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Published by HOLR Magazine

Image Credit: @katyperry Instagram