Kristin Davis has recalled auditioning for the part of Carrie Bradshaw in ‘Sex and the City’.

January 15, 2025: Kristin Davis auditioned for the role of Carrie Bradshaw in ‘Sex and the City’.

Kristin Davis Initially Auditioned for Carrie Role

The 59-year-old actress played Charlotte York in the hit HBO series – but Kristin initially auditioned to play Carrie, before Sarah Jessica Parker was cast in the role instead.

Kristin said on the ‘Are You A Charlotte?’ podcast: “I got this script from Darren [Star, the series creator] and it had a little note from him, and it said, ‘Kristin, I really want you to read this for the part of Carrie.’

“Carrie is very clearly the main part and she’s described as having the body of Heather Locklear with the mind of Dorothy Parker. And I’m like, ‘What?! I can’t do that!’ So I was stressing. I thought to myself, ‘I can’t possibly pull this off!'”

Actress Relates to Charlotte’s Perspective on Love

Kristin was ultimately drawn towards the character of Charlotte.

The actress felt like she could really “relate” to the character and her approach to life.

Kristin shared: “I liked this other girl, Charlotte. Because Charlotte in the pilot, there was not a lot on the page, but it was very clear that she had a different point of view than the other girls, that she was more focused on relationships and love, which I kind of related to.

“It just felt like she was more hopeful. She seemed more younger in her viewpoint and open than the other characters, which at the time I related to a lot.”

Kristin eventually approached Darren in a bid to land the role of Charlotte.

The actress recalled: “I was like, ‘Darren, Darren, I can’t possibly play that part.’ I think I called him and said, ‘I can’t play Carrie, I don’t even know what you’re thinking, but I could play this other girl; I want to play this other girl.’”

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Published by HOLR Magazine

Sources: Sex and the City, TV news, HBO,

Image Credit: BANG SHOWBIZ