Hiking is a fun activity to partake in as it embraces all the outdoors have to offer. For some that are more adventurous, you might consider hiking at night. This provides a different experience and excitement than hiking in the daytime but does also come with different risks. If you are choosing to hike when the sun has set, here are some tips to feel more safe and secure.

A Charged Phone

One of the many things that you should carry with you while you are hiking is a phone. Your phone provides you several different uses so keep it charged. You should always inform others of where you are planning your hike and how long you expect to be away, whether that is a single evening or overnight until morning, or even extending further. This provides a timeline for others to be concerned, especially if they do not hear from you, providing them an opportunity to contact emergency personnel immediately if deemed necessary. Your phone will allow you to call in case you find yourself in danger, as well as stay in contact with other travelers on your hike. Additionally, there are apps and tools you can use on your phone that are useful such as flashlights, GPS trackers, 

Have a Flashlight, Compasses, and Other Gear

As great as your phone is for its multi-functioning purposes, it cannot always substitute for specific uses such as a flashlight or compass for hiking. And if you break or lose your phone, you also lose the ability to call in case of an emergency. Especially when you are walking or hiking at night, a flashlight should be prioritized as it provides you long-lasting light that won’t easily run out of battery, provides better sight, as well as it is easier to control and more durable. A compass will help you navigate and does not run on a battery either. Additionally, if you are concerned about unknown dangers, the outdoor enthusiasts from pistol lights recommend carrying a weapon for protection and safety. If you do, pairing your pistol with pistol lights that easily attach to your gun, provides you that extra layer of protection and utility. This ensures that you stay safe while on any hike regardless of the environment. Consider different needs and independent tools when hiking so that you aren’t worried about losing or damaging your phone out there.

Consider Clothing and Layers

Going on a hike at night poses different dangers and one of those dangers is the weather and temperature. If you are traveling and moving around outdoors at night where the temperature will usually drop a substantial amount, you must be prepared for such changes and fluctuations in temperature. If it gets too cold and you do not have the right gear or clothing, you are risking hypothermia and your body shutting down, failing to function. Even if it doesn’t lead to such drastic situations, your body will start to shiver and you won’t be able to focus on anything except for regaining your body to the right temperature, putting you in a situation where it is easy to lose focus and get lost in the wilderness. Be sure to prioritize your safety and others around you by having the right clothing to stay warm while out at night.

Be Cautious Of Surroundings And Terrain

Hiking at night poses different risks and one of the more obvious risks is the physical dangers of trips and falls. At night, your visuals and vision are limited. You will struggle to see around you, and even if you can see ahead of you, your focus will require more time to adjust to the low levels of light. It is in your best interest to move around slower than you would during the day, taking your time to properly navigate through paths and trails if you are choosing to hike at night.


Familiarize Yourself With Trails And Surroundings

If you are looking to get a little activity and exercise with a hike at night, one way to ensure that you are safe is to choose paths and routes that you are familiar with. Trying to explore trails that you have never encountered before could lead you down paths that are riskier and with unexpected twists and turns that lead to danger. It is best to have a familiarity with your trails and surroundings as you will be confident there are no large and immediate risks involved, aside from having to navigate them more cautiously at night.


Hiking at night can be a dangerous activity if you are not properly prepared. However, if you take the necessary steps to plan and prioritize your caution, a hike at night can give you a different and new experience. Stay aware and be safe out there, and if you are traveling within groups, look out for each other.

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