The university you go to after high school makes a big deal in your career. When future companies look at you for employment, they not only will check the degree that you have, but also the school in which you got the degree. This makes attending a top tier university one of the most important things you can do.
That being said, how can you ensure you get into the university of your choice? There are a ton of different strategies and simple tips you can employ to make sure that you are getting that letter of acceptance from the school you love. With enough hard work and focus you’ll be living out your dreams soon enough. Here are several simple and doable tips that will help you enter the university of your choice.
Practice Essay Writing and Read Samples
Many universities require you to write a supplemental essay along with any tests that you have taken. If you are not the strongest writer, this can be rather difficult, especially if you are unsure of what you have to write. This is why there are plenty of resources out there to not only help you with your essay writing but give you samples that the university has received in the past. You can search up the university you are looking for as well to make sure you are on the right track.
For example, if you are looking to go to NYU there is plenty of material online to help you during the process. A blog post entitled “Why NYU? How to Write the NYU Supplemental Essay (Examples Included!)” talks about what is required with the NYU essay, and how you can go about writing. Along with including samples of previous essays, they offer tips on how you can make sure that you are writing the essay properly. The last thing you want is to lose out on admission because you didn’t take the time to prepare for a writing portion. Brush up on your essay skills and find some online resources about the school to help ensure you get the acceptance letter you are looking for.
Work Hard In Highschool
This might sound obvious, but the easiest way to ensure that you are going to the university of your choice is to get high grades. If you slacked in high school, refused to study, and your marks were not as high as they could have been, you are putting yourself in a position where the university now has to decide if they want you there or not. By getting marks in the 90s, you are almost guaranteeing yourself admission to the school that you want to go to.
There are some exceptions, however, where the extremely high 90s are required, but for the most part, if you have done well in high school, you should be able to get into the school of your choosing. When it comes to looking at your grades, the last two years are the most important, along with the courses required for entry. Hit the books and study to make sure you leave as many doors open as possible.
Get Involved in Extracurriculars
If there are several people with the same grades applying for a university, they will also look towards your extracurricular involvement with your school. Universities and colleges like students who invest in the campus and take the time to participate in events. It might not be the first thing that gets looked at, but having several extracurriculars under your belt along with some volunteer experience can go a long way to helping you get accepted.
Practice the SAT or ACT
Finally, you are going to have to take the SAT or ACTs to determine if you are going to be getting into the university of your choice. If you aren’t prepared for it, you can easily lose out on all of your aspirations. Just like with the supplement essays, you have to take the time to prepare for the SATs and be able to work through anything that gets thrown at you. There are plenty of resources online along with past SATs that you can use to practice on. Even if you are good at taking tests and are confident in your abilities, you should be taking a practice test or two. The SAT can make or break your university and college career, so ensure that you are taking it as seriously as you possibly can.
These are all ways that you can ensure that you get accepted into the university of your choice. That being said, there is always a slight chance that things do not go your way. Have backup plans in place in case of that and keep trying until you eventually get in. What university do you plan on going to?