keys on hand

When it comes to selling your property, whether it be a home or office space, there are plenty of things to consider. Selling property is no easy feat and it takes a lot of skill, effort, and finesse to sell a property, especially in today’s economy. However, with the right tips and tricks, anyone can sell their home to the highest bidder in no time! The most important part of selling your home is not always how you do it, but when you do it. 

Timing is the single, most important aspect of selling your home, and there are a few ways to get it right and plenty of ways to get it wrong. Whether you’re looking to sell your home or you’re curious to learn a thing or two about the housing market, you’re in the right place! Here’s everything you need to know about the right time to sell your home to make sure that you’re ready when you need to! Follow this guide and learn about the right time to get your home on the market and out of your hands!

Research your local area

First things first, before you even think about selling your home, you first have to do some research into your local market. While the housing market may be in a bit of a slump at the moment, it might not be the same locally. You need to do your research in your city, town, or state to see what your options are for a few key reasons. For starters, you need to know how much you can charge for your property and what you can expect to get as an offer.

Each town, county, and state differs in terms of prices, rules, and regulations when it comes to selling real estate. At Chief Real Estate Solutions, you can get some ideas on pricing in Fayetteville that would differ if you were selling in Charlotte. This is why doing your research early on is so important because if you don’t know the area you’re selling in, the timing is irrelevant. Look into your local area, figure out what your options are, and start selling your home the right way!

When to list

To find the right time to sell your house, you have to think about a few key things. As you’ll see from the points in this article, if you want to sell your house, you’ll need to list it when potential buyers are most likely to see it. You’ll need to figure out when your buyers are most likely to be interested in buying your property. To know when this window of time is, you’re going to need to know the habits of your average, potential buyer. Here are some of the main time-sensitive pointers to keep in mind if you want to sell your house. 

The time of day

One of the first timing factors you need to consider when selling your home is what time of day you plan on listing. To know what golden window of time this is, you have to first know what your average buyer gets up to during the day. Knowing your potential buyers’ daily habits is tough, as everyone’s schedule is different. While we all lead different lives, there are some things that ring true for most people, including your potential buyers. 

For example, most buyers often work during the day and don’t have time to scroll through properties online. Your average potential buyer is also not going to be awake, browsing through properties at 2 or 3 in the morning. If you want to maximize the amount of interest, your best bet is to list your home either early in the morning before work or late afternoon, after. This ensures that your listing will have the most engagement and that you’ll be more likely to sell your house!

Day of the week

Next on the list of essential time factors to consider when selling your home is what day of the week it is. To find and attract your potential buyers, you also have to consider their weekly habits. Not every day of the week is as “lucky” or as beneficial to those looking to sell their house. While there are some die-hard home buyers who will go view a house as soon as it’s on the market, even if it’s on a Monday afternoon, not all will. The average homebuyer will view homes online or go view them in person over the weekend. 

Since potential buyers will often view homes on the weekend, your best bet is to list your property just before. Thursday or Friday are often the best days to list your property and are more likely to generate interest. Avoid listing your home or property on “dead days” like Mondays or Tuesdays, as you’ll miss out on that valuable window of time. 

The seasons and weather

The season you decide to sell your home in may just be one of the most important timing factors to consider! The temperature, weather, and humidity are dictated by the seasons and they do more than influence what your buyers wear. If you want to attract more potential buyers to your listing, you’ll need to sell in an environment that favors them wanting to go outside and view houses. Finding the right season to list your home depends mostly on where you live. 

In northern states like Illinois, trying to sell your home in the cold, brutal winters is a no-go, as your buyers will have to deal with heavy snow and ice. If you’re in one of the southern states like Florida, avoid listing in mid-summer when it’s too hot and humid to breathe, let alone think about real estate! If you want a specific season, go for springtime as it’s the most mild on average and most buyers are looking for properties then. 

The time of year

When listing your home for sale, and you’re thinking about the timing and success of the sale, you need to think about the time of year. Seasons come and go and are regional, but the time of year is the same everywhere and there are some time-sensitive patterns you can and should heed to. For starters, you need to consider when your average buyer will be in need of a new home and have the money for it. 

The worst months to list your houses on average are October, November, and January. October and November kick off the end of the year when most buyers need to focus their funds and time on other things instead of real estate. January is a terrible time to buy and sell properties because everyone is still paying off their debts from the new year. The best months to sell your home, if you want to get the best returns are from May to July. These months are best because buyers finally have enough cash on their hands to be interested in buying your home, so list them!

When you need to

Last but not least, sometimes, the timing of your sale is dictated by how much you need to sell at that point. Sometimes you can’t help that you need to sell or get a property off your hands, and in that case, if you’ve got to sell; you’ve got to sell! These periods can happen for a variety of reasons and can vary in how dire the need to sell can be. Your hand can be forced to sell quicker than you anticipated, and you won’t have the luxury to choose when and how to list.

Whether you need to move or leave the country quickly or you need a bigger home to accommodate your growing family. Whether your home is not serving you and your needs anymore or it’s unsafe to live in. Whatever your reasons may be, it’s difficult to pinpoint exactly when these moments will arise, but when they do, you need to be ready to act!

When not to list

When it comes to selling properties, whether homes or plots of land, knowing when not to list is just as important as knowing when to list. Similar to the previous points, if you want to know when not to list, you need to know your potential buyers pretty well. In this case, you need to know when the average person is not going to be interested in buying anything, let alone properties. Here are some of the main points to keep in mind when not to sell, if you want to avoid unsuccessful real estate sales!

Holidays and special occasions

At the top of the list of times to avoid selling your properties are holidays, special occasions, and festivals. Though these times are often jolly and you may think that the average buyer is in the buying mood, you’d be sadly mistaken. At this time, buyers are often too preoccupied, both emotionally and financially to be thinking about buying up properties. 

During the holiday season, buyers are curled up with their friends and family and the last thing on their minds is real estate. Because holidays are regional, it’s important to do your research and figure out what periods you should avoid listing. A general rule of thumb is to avoid listing during things like Christmas, Hanukkah, Eid, and any of the other big holidays. While smaller, lesser-known holidays and festivals are not as popular, you should still avoid them if you want to guarantee a sale. 

The recession

This point may seem obvious, but it’s important to hash out everything in this list to make sure you’re up to date on everything! The recession is one of the worst times in the world for you to sell any of your assets, especially your home. The hallmark of a recession is the lower market all around. If you’re selling your house or property, you’ll have a tough time finding a buyer for your price at this time. 

A recession can lead to inflation and higher prices of goods and services, but it is not good for those looking to make more money. While you may be able to get the property off your hands easier during a recession, it will be at a much lower price. If this is what you’re after, then go for it, but if you’re looking to get more value for your home, avoid listing during a recession! Whether you want to get a better deal or you want to keep your assets for a rainy day, hold onto your home and list another time!

Think about your next move

Finally, when it comes to selling your home and timing, to get it right you have to be ready for it. Whether you live in the home you’re selling or not, you need to be ready to put the house on the market and say goodbye to it. If you’re planning on selling your home, you need to make sure that you know your next move and have a plan for after it’s sold. Of course, it’s difficult to predict everything that the future holds, but it’s important to have some sort of game plan. 

For starters, don’t sell your house unless you have a plan for yourself and your family afterward. If you don’t know where you’re going to live, don’t sell the house you’re currently living in. If you’re not confident that you can buy your next home, don’t sell your own one until you’re sure. The right timing for selling your home can sometimes boil down to whether or not you personally are ready to sell. 

white and red wooden house miniature on brown table

So there you have it! With this guide in mind, you’re all caught up on everything to do with the right time to sell your home. For starters, make sure to do ample research before listing your home for sale anywhere. The best time to sell can depend on the time of day, week, or year as well as the season. If you can help it, avoid selling during the holidays and recession, and when you don’t know your next move. At the end of the day, if you’ve got to sell; you’ve got to sell! Good luck and happy listing!

Published by HOLR Magazine.

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