This is a list of extraordinarily delicious and easy-to-make food for picnics with friends and family during summer outings.

Summer is a time when travel activities are popular for everyone. In particular, going on a picnic is one of the most loved activities by everyone. During the summer vacation, everyone must spend at least one picnic date with relatives or friends at the park or the beach. Besides planning for a picnic, such as preparing tools and choosing a location, there is a necessary task is to prepare food for the picnic. Making a detailed food and drink menu will make your trip more perfect. This article will suggest picnic food ideas that are extremely easy to make, simple, and taste good for most people.

picnic food


This is a familiar dish for everyone. Sandwiches are easy to make, do not require many ingredients, and significantly save time and effort in preparing for a picnic. With just a bag of bread, tomatoes, cucumbers, sausages, and eggs, you can create highly delicious and nutritious sandwiches. This dish is very convenient and does not take much time for you to cook. Therefore, this is a must-have dish on your picnic food list.


Kimbap rice roll

Although this is a dish in Korea, it can be found in most picnics because this is a picnic dish that is easy to make and suitable to the taste of many people. To make this dish, you need to prepare: dried seaweed leaves, eggs, cucumbers, carrots, sausages, rice. First, you boil cucumbers, cook carrots and fry eggs, sausages and then chop the ingredients. Then you put a moderate amount of rice into the seaweed leaf and then put the ingredients in the roll one by one. The last step is that you just cut the rice rolls and enjoy. This dish is effortless and saves ingredients.


This is also an incredibly delicious and simple dish for everyone. Not only that, but salad is also an extremely healthy dish when it is full of nutrients from vegetables. This is a dish you can create according to your taste. With just simple vegetables such as lettuce, cucumber, tomato, spinach, cheese, add meats, and a little sauce, you have a nutritious and fresh salad on a summer picnic.



Barbecue is one of the most popular dishes for picnickers. However, you should bring a small grill to cook on the spot. You can also bake it at home and take it out, but this will reduce the taste. In addition, you can grill more vegetables to serve not to be full quickly.


Pasta is a delicious dish. This is a familiar dish for everyone. You need to boil the noodles, cook the sauce with the available sauce box, add a little minced meat or sausage. Finally, sprinkle with some shredded cheese, and you have a delicious and filling dish for your picnic.



Besides the main dishes, you should also prepare some desserts such as cakes or cookies. In addition, you can prepare a few more pre-cut fruits in a take-out box, such as watermelon, cantaloupe, or strawberries, to make the meal more refreshing and nutritious.



Indispensable in every meal and especially when going on a picnic is a drink. Without drinks, you will become exhausted and lack the energy to play or be active. When camping, always prepare a few bottles of mineral water to prevent fatigue while playing. Drinking a lot of soft drinks will make your body less energetic and more emaciated. Besides, you can prepare a few more bottles of fruit juice and refrigerate them before going on a picnic to purify your body and help you feel more refreshed.

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