As featured in HOLR Issue 12, Astrologer Aerin Fogel breaks down each star signs horoscope for 2020. Enter the new decade full of insight with Aerin’s forecast and personalized mantra for each sign to live by. Roaring 20’s here we come!
You’ve been wondering a lot about the big picture in your career this past year. In fact, it’s been hard to see the big picture at all, because you feel compelled to accomplish something great, but you’re used to moving through life so quickly that it’s hard to figure out what steps you actually need to take. 2020 is your year to start a new initiative or take on greater leadership and responsibility, right from the beginning of the year. Towards the end of the year you may start thinking more about how your work contributes in a meaningful way to your community, and I encourage you to reflect on this because what brings you personal satisfaction may not always be enough for others. In the fall (September to November) you will need to pause your speed and strategize. This is a time of great personal transformation that may leave you unrecognizable on the other side, so don’t try to rush the process. Your struggle to know who you are is ongoing, but this time might offer you some clarity, or at least a sense of confidence. Don’t be shy this year, because it’s time for you to step into the public eye and grab hold of what you’ve wanted all along, but didn’t believe you were special enough to have.
Mantra: I am ready to build the foundation I need for my work in the world, with slow steady steps, and I will not rush and get ahead of myself.
Many people underestimate the philosophical side of Taurus, and I think that’s a real shame. You are invested in understanding the nature of your reality, even if that means simplifying or reducing that which you don’t understand. 2020 is a year for you to let life surprise you; not everything that happens in our world can be synthesized through science and language, which are too limited for what you’re really experiencing this year. You might be interested in going back to school, begin learning something new, or simply pick up a meaningful book, in order to expand what you know. Meanwhile, your whole identity has been under review since last spring. Don’t try to hold onto the old version of yourself, because it will make this process harder. Let yourself be different even if it shocks you, and you will start to feel a sense of relief that has been hard to find during the last few uneasy years. Late spring is a great time to Marie Kondo your life and home, and you may find yourself wondering what’s really important to you. It’s been awhile since you were able to put things into perspective like this, but it’s all part of your process of searching for that deeper meaning in life. You are much more complex than people may give you credit for.
Mantra: I’m willing to admit that there’s a lot I don’t understand, in order to experience life in a deeper, more meaningful way.
2020 is a different kind of year for you. Gemini nature prefers not to look below the hood of the car, unless you really have to, and I would say this year you really have to. All through your life you’ve been repeating a pattern, one that you feel very powerless to fix, as if life is happening toyou rather than because of you. But you have an opportunity now to see what’s at the root of this pattern, and how you contribute to its repetition. This doesn’t mean it’s all your fault; it means that, like any other human, there are blind spots you are largely unconscious to that impact your closest relationships and sense of power in your own life. Do a little digging work, whether it’s reflective or therapeutic, to investigate what’s really happening here (because I know you love a good investigation!) From May onwards you will find yourself growing into your identity like never before; you’ve struggled to communicate what you really think, which means others often misunderstand you. But summer and fall into next year build clarity around who you truly are and how to convey that to the world. May until the end of June will bring back old lovers, but don’t be fooled by their apology. This is about you understanding how they represent a pattern in your life, not a true reunion; by summer you will have moved on, feeling much more certain about what love really means to you.
Mantra: What lurks in the shadows of my life is not going to hurt me. I gain strength and power from exploring my own depth and learning about my patterns.
I’ve never met a Cancer who didn’t take their relationships seriously, and this year is no different for you. Whether these relationships last one night or a whole lifetime, you have the capacity to touch people on a very deep level and open your heart with hope and earnestness every step of the way. But you’ve been in a ‘review’ process the last year, wondering what commitment really means to you, and taking a Marie Kondo approach to the people who can’t meet you in the deep end, or perhaps demanding more of those who can. What you need from others will crystallize at the beginning of 2020, but you need to take steps from there to ask, assert your boundaries, and take responsibility for the next chapter. Do not be tempted to shy away from the task and hide behind what everyone wants from you; this method of self-protection is only protecting you from real intimacy. Early summer is a time for quiet reflection – you may want to take a solo vacation (or staycation) and give yourself space to process this last year, which has been like a pressure cooker for you. The eclipses happening around this time will bring a feeling of raw intensity into your life as well, so rest and quiet will help you move through with less chaos. The year both starts and ends with a revision of your work, but by the fall you are thinking much more about the big picture of your career and what you can do now to make that a reality.
Mantra: I am safe to be seen in my relationships. Others will not hurt me if I put forward my needs, and if they do, they may not be worth my care and compassion.
2020 holds some major astrological events, which means that everyone in the world is affected, but we are affected differently, depending on our personal astrology and where those events land in our birth chart. For you, these events may impact you on a global level, but not rock the boat as intensely in your personal life. What you will feel is a deep questioning around your work – does your day-to-day life really reflect the greater outcome you desire? While this year sees you capable of managing your challenges, you may struggle to connect to a higher purpose. Pouring your heart into something that doesn’t feel meaningful isn’t going to cut it for you, so it may be time to make some changes. Ask yourself the hard questions about where your work is going and where you want it to be many years from now; only you can grab hold of the reins and redirect things if need be. If your health has taken a hit this last year, be persistent in seeking the root cause. It’s time to investigate what’s really happening, and not hope that things will simply resolve on their own. The very end of the year will start a new cycle for you in your relationships, one that feels both hopeful and capable. You may experience a sense of floating or loss of direction through the fall until then, but don’t rush the process. Astrology carries larger life cycles that we can’t cheat or avoid, and this is no exception. You will understand yourself much better if you allow this to unfold in its own time.
Mantra: The sum of my life is greater than its parts. I trust that life unfolds in its own way, and I am capable of creating purpose and meaning in each day.
What are you working on over there? When was the last time you took a real break? It seems that the more you do, the more there is to do, a theme that started intensifying a few years ago and will come to a head now. 2020 will see many of you creating new initiatives and birthing something into the world (birthing a baby, a business, a work of art, or a new life direction all come from the same creative root). Remember that life can be meaningless if you cannot enjoy yourself, though, and even your playtime is something you take seriously. February and March will ask you to revise your relationships, to ensure you are communicating how you really feel. This past year has been a confusing time where your thoughts, feelings, and efforts were like quicksand, morphing every time you tried to give them shape. So this year will be a sort of puzzle assembly, putting the pieces back together and initiating something new out of your newfound clarity. Towards the end of the year you’ll have to ask some hard questions in relationship – be sure you are seeing the other person clearly, and not a fantasy of them. It may feel easy to fall in love for you sometimes, but is there something solid to lean on when the dust settles?
Mantra: I take pleasure in my creative capacities, and I have everything I need to initiate something new this year.
Sometimes your life can be like an untethered balloon, searching for a place to land, but lacking the gravity to actually do so. 2020 is a year where you land – into your own body, into a more stable sense of home, and into your family. This landing will ultimately feel grounding and relieving for you, but is not without its challenges. Think of a spaceship trying to reenter the atmosphere – it’s an intense process that may feel like you, too, are burning up. You’ve always held your family at arms length because they tend to overwhelm you, but understand that you will not lose any of the joy and adventure in your life by staying grounded and open, a common misconception for Libras. The first half of the year will almost feel like starting over, which means come summer you will start to find energy you forgot you used to have. It’s been a tough few years! As your energy returns so will your desire to learn, something that has always driven you. May and June are a wonderful time to seek new knowledge, whether that’s through books, school, therapy, mentorship, or simply having time to daydream and wonder about the world. You’re learning how to feel inspired while remaining grounded, a balance that has always swung in one direction or the other for you. Being a part of this strange world is not the burden it may seem.
Mantra: My feet are planted firmly on the ground while I follow my inspiration for life. I am capable of remaining open to my loved ones without losing my sense of self.
Scorpios are like an iceberg; people see and experience only a fraction of what’s really happening for you below the surface. It may feel at times like revealing more is a risk that is not worth taking, but I encourage you to prove yourself wrong this year. Little by little, you are starting to express what you really think, and cut your losses when it’s too much for others to handle. January sets the tone for your method of communication through winter and spring, so it’s important to have the hard conversations even when they scare you (and others). Money has never been your greatest challenge, but you may want to keep a budget come springtime. It’s not that there’s no money coming in, it’s that you’re tempted to spend on things that feel exciting to you. Things will start to shift at your job in the fall, and you may feel frustrated and confused about what to do next. This will ultimately be a very positive change for you, but the process requires patience and you may feel that things unfold more slowly than you want. Wait until December to make any important decisions, because there is plenty of helpful information that will reveal itself before then. Don’t hold too tight in your relationship (or in your dating life) in these next few years. Having breathing room leaves space for the unexpected, and for a series of breakthroughs to occur.
Mantra: Expressing my true thoughts and feelings is worth the risk. I am willing to loosen my grasp on life in order to allow positive change to unfold.
Last year, many of you were able to remember what truly matters in life. The sense of meaning and purpose you are seeking has always been a higher priority than the practical details that follow suit. Now that you feel restored in your vision of where your life is going (or at least reminded of what you really believe in), I’m sorry to say that you do need to focus on the practicality this year. If 2019 brought you clarity on what you want, then 2020 needs to take clear steps towards that goal. You need to know how much money your dreams require versus how much you can reasonably muster, and you need to be sure you can trust the people close to you who are part of it all. Building trust means you have to risk a kind of closeness that scares you – it does not mean waiting for the other person to take all the first steps. From May onward you begin a personal revision for the next year and a half that will leave you almost unrecognizable on the other side. This transformation asks you to challenge your beliefs, and be ruthlessly honest about whether you are actually living your own principles, or simply using them as a way to feel above (and therefore safe from) others.
Mantra: I am capable of making my vision a reality, which means taking manageable, practical steps towards it. Personal transformation is my guide.
You have always been comfortable with change, because you push yourself to grow and better your life. But the change that is happening now is unlike anything you have experienced before, or will experience again in your life. Take hold of this opportunity, because resisting the swift current of transformation will only deprive you of the incredible rewards on the other side. This year, let yourself fall apart a little. You do not have to always be the one who holds everything together. Only in falling apart will you be able to rearrange the pieces into something new. At the heart of it all, you are ready to let go of the incredible burdens you have been carrying, and accept that you are enough as you are without fixing the whole planet. For a very small few of you, you shy away from responsibility altogether because of how much you actually care, and it’s time to step up to the plate. In the spring, you will start to feel the pressure lighten, and step-by-step your new sense of self will unfold until December when you are ready for the next chapter. Don’t push too hard during the eclipses in June and July, your priority is to not let overwhelm derail the peacefulness you’re building.
Mantra: I am in the midst of deep personal transformation, which is a slow, imperfect process allowing me to accept who I am.
There have been many moments in your life when you ignored your gut instinct for something else that seemed to make more sense. It’s a hard lesson for you to learn, because your penetrating insight and understanding from every angle are great strengths, so you rely on them heavily. But 2020 is a year where you must let your instinct guide you beyond all reason. Many times you will find yourself pulled in a strange direction even though it’s the opposite of what makes sense, and I encourage you to trust the mysterious impulse. You are more sensitive than you realize, and are responding to information that is very real but less immediately tangible and obvious. Ask yourself what it means to care for your mental health while the world is in great chaos, and you care about it all so deeply. In the spring and again in the early winter you will get a taste of the personal strength that awaits you in the next few years, if you are willing to accept the inner work and boundaries required. True kindness acts with a firm and sometimes unforgiving edge. As summer and then fall set in, you will feel a creative urge coming through that is ultimately an outlet for all that intangible information. Art is a form of expression beyond rhetoric, and in the next few years you will learn to speak the language of creativity. Give it an outlet to flow through, or it may just get stuck as confusion.
Mantra: There are things beyond my understanding that impact me deeply. I embrace what I cannot control, knowing that my intuition is strong enough to guide me.
2019 was a challenging year for you. It may have felt, at times, like life was simply too much, and that it was hard to know which direction you were heading in. You’ll feel some relief this year, but direction is the key here. Are you coming or going, in your relationships and in your work? Have you really decided to be there or are you simply carrying on because that’s what your circumstance presents? You are not just a passive observer in your own life, but rather, the one steering the ship even though it may not seem that way sometimes. Devoting yourself to a bigger cause will help channel all the confusion and challenges into something meaningful. Understand that your suffering reflects something happening in the world around you, and you are capable of immense impact when you take action. I see this year as a turning point for you, a sort of coming home to yourself after drifting at sea. February and March are a time for quiet inner reflection, because the spring will be a busy time full of hard yet rewarding work. People will be turning to you for advice, and it will feel really good to see the impact you can have. You’re making the world a better place this year, because you know from personal experience just how difficult it can be.
Mantra: I am in charge of my own life. I have the capacity to make a difference, both in my own circumstance and in my community.
Photography by Briony Douglas @Briony
Models Pippa & Chanelle
Hair Katie Pirie
Swimwear Inamorata