Holidays are often brief escapes from our hectic lives. Without them, nearly all of us would go mad. Most families spend months planning their next holiday, and after all that work, it would be a huge disappointment if it turned out to be boring or underwhelming. If you have been given the prestigious responsibility to spearhead your next holiday, or you have found yourself with nothing exciting to do during any holiday, then you can keep the following suggestions in your back pocket in case you need them.

1. Holiday Themed Game Night

Depending on what you like, or what circumstances permit, you might have to have fun indoors instead. The closed space makes the experience more intimate and you will be able to show the decorations inside your house. When it comes to indoor activities, nothing really brings people together during the holidays like a fun game night. You can view this couple card game that is perfect for any holiday celebration. It involves couples competing in a series of holiday-themed challenges and games, making it an exciting and memorable experience for all involved.

The competitiveness, teamwork, and silly mishaps can make the night uniquely memorable. Add a nice spin to your game night by making it holiday-themed. There are tons of games you can choose from including Santa Limbo, Christmas Pictionary, and scavenger hunts. Make sure everyone gets involved so that they don’t feel left out.

You can also play family games that have been passed down for generations. If you don’t have any games like that, then you can take this opportunity to make a few and start your own tradition. Couple these games with some great food and it will be a sure hit. Whichever game you go with it, there are a lot of ways to spice it up and have fun!

2. Hunt for Awesome Houses

This one is perfect for Christmas. It is one of the few holidays where we dress up our houses and show them off to everyone. Some people just love to turn their house into gorgeous artwork while others join a silent competition to “out decorate” those around them. Whatever their reason, you can take advantage of this opportunity to make your holiday even more interesting.

You can round up a group of friends or your family and view the houses in the area. Besides being a great viewing pleasure, you can turn it into a fun little game where you award points to each house and then tally up the scores to declare a winner. You judge them based on creativity, imagination, holiday spirit, etc.

What most people look forward to are the lights that decorate the houses. It can truly be a captivating experience that you see just once a year. You can either join established Christmas light tours to go to the neighborhoods with the best lights or do the research yourself and go on a private tour with your family. Either way, it will be an experience that everyone will appreciate and enjoy.

3. Brave the Outdoors

When it comes to enjoying your holiday, the outdoors is always an option. We love to relax or get active during the holidays and the countryside offers both. With serene environments and wide-open spaces, there’s a lot to love when you brave the wilderness.

The season is ripe to take advantage of the snow, and there is nothing more fun than sledding. It is a fun activity for both kids and adults and you can race with others to make it even more interesting. If you don’t want to limit yourself to a traditional sled, you can always experiment with other vehicles to zip down that hill.

On the other hand, if you are looking for something a little more laid back, you can always go to a nearby lake; to just tune out and watch the tranquil waters or throw your line in to catch some fish. If you are in Florida you can always opt for a fishing trip in Pensacola with friends or family to have a good time. Fishing is one of those relaxing yet rewarding activities that almost everyone loves once they know how to do it.

Holidays usually bring people together and give them the opportunity to spend time when they otherwise couldn’t. You can choose to do something relaxing to give your mind and body a break or engage in activities that make you feel alive. These suggestions can easily turn your holiday around if it is not working out how you planned. Whether you want to do them with the entire family or with someone special, you will have an amazing time and get the chance to form unforgettable memories.

Published by HOLR Magazine

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