Cat blender video part 2 surfaces, sparking additional backlash online.

According to this article, a supposed part 2 has surfaced of the disturbing cat in a blender video that recently went viral online. Internet users are shocked and disturbed that the viral video depicting graphic scenes of animal cruelty has a second part. In the distressing video that originally made waves online, a cat could be seen being tortured and killed in a blender sparking outrage online.

As mentioned in the article, the supposed man behind the original cat blending video has allegedly now been arrested, but a new video supposedly surfaced on May 8 that has left internet users in pure shock once more.

As reported, a second video depicting similar scenes was shared via Twitter by a now-suspended account. Some users who watched the second video were left even more disturbed. This second video follows a group of animal abusers from China who allegedly “threatened to repeat the incident” after the man was arrested for the first video. after the initial arrest.

Cat Blender Reddit 

As noted in the article, Reddit users supposedly took to the platform to share more disturbing news in that there is a possible live stream event taking place where in which animal abusers would take cats and torture them by putting them in blenders and killing them. However, this post has reportedly been removed.

Published by HOLR Magazine.