HOLR had the chance to shoot street style and chat with Toronto based fashion influencer Jodi Lopez; We discussed style, balancing a busy schedule, and fashion inspiration. 

Photo by Lucas Pavan, @lupavan

HOLR: Describe your style in 3 words.

Jodi: Black, every day, essentials


HOLR: What does a typical day look like for you?

Jodi: I spend my mornings doing admin stuff like responding to emails and social media community management. This is the time I review contracts and plan for any upcoming collaboration I’m working on. I spend my afternoons shooting content for my husband Jose or he shoots stuff for me. In the evenings I like to go for walks, cook dinner and try to relax. I typically attend 1 evening event per week. 


HOLR: How do you balance work, socials and your busy schedule?

Jodi: I’ve realized that my time is precious and I only have so much of it so I’m very careful when I put my energy. I try to say no to stuff that’s not important and I try to take breaks or days off when I can. My personal and work lines are very blurred so I really try to have work time and off time.


HOLR: What are 3 staple pieces everyone should have in their wardrobe?


  1. A black, grey or navy blazer you feel amazing in

          2. A pair of black or dark blue jeans you can wear with anything

          3. A pair of black or brown flat boots that go with everything. I really like a Chelsea style.

Photo By Lucas Pavan, @lupavan

HOLR: Favourite place you’ve traveled to?

Jodi: Paris — I never stop dreaming of Paris! 


HOLR: Fall and winter is upon us – what’s your favourite fall/winter fashion item at the moment? 

Jodi: I love wool coats, especially when they’re a bit oversized. 

Photo By Lucas Pavan, @lupavan

HOLR: What’s your go-to beauty item you can’t live without?

Jodi: Concealer. It makes a world of a difference even worn alone.


HOLR: Where do you get your fashion inspiration from?

Jodi: I spend a ton of time on Pinterest. Every season I create a board with inspiration. 

Keep up with Jodi’s style on Instagram @Jodiblk. 


For the latest in fashion, lifestyle, and culture — follow us @HOLRMagazine. 


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