Do your hands tend to sweat a lot, even when you’re not exercising or when the weather around you is mild? If yes, then you may be suffering from a case of “clammy hands.” Behind this derisive name is a condition known as hyperhidrosis, characterized by sweat glands sensitivity and hyperactivity. Needless to say, the condition can trigger a sense of embarrassment, social anxiety, and disrupt normal daily activities. While there isn’t a permanent cure for clammy hands as of yet, several medications, treatments, and therapies can help remedy the issue effectively and durably.

This guide will provide useful insights into this widespread condition and suggest various treatment options.

Hyperhidrosis Defined

Medically speaking, hyperhidrosis is a disorder involving excessive perspiration (sweating) through the skin. While sweat primarily serves to regulate body temperature, patients with hyperhidrosis will perspire abundantly despite the absence of hot weather or intense physical activity. The term “clammy hands” refers to localized hyperhidrosis where patients experience exaggerated sweating in their hand’s areas (palms, fingers, and wrists) under circumstances that don’t necessarily warrant it.

Common Symptoms

The normal sweating people experience during hot weather, when they’re under stress or exerting themselves physically, doesn’t compare to patients with hyperhidrosis. Their hands will perspire to the point of dripping sweat and wetting clothes. Episodes of heavy sweating usually occur during waking hours and may be accompanied by lightheadedness, nausea, or even chest pains. Disrupted daily activities, emotional distress, and social withdrawal are clear telltale signs that someone is dealing with a case of clammy hands. This can also be indicative of an underlying health condition.

Typical Causes for Clammy Hands

In the majority of cases, clammy hands are a genetically inherited condition. This means that your parents, siblings, or relatives are also likely to suffer from localized hyperhidrosis. Essentially, what causes a person’s hands to start sweating so profusely with no apparent reason is an oversensitivity of the sweat glands (eccrine glands) in that area; local nerves send signals to the brain that it should excrete sweat despite no real need for your body to cool down. This is one of the main reasons why science still hasn’t yet developed a definitive cure for clammy hands.

What Treatments are Available?

As mentioned, the condition can take a toll on the affected person’s quality of life, menial skills, morale, sociability, and more. That said, with more diagnostics and medical development over recent years, several drugs and therapies were designed to alleviate the problem. If you’re prone to excessive hand sweating, the experts at suggest you start by conducting research on the best over-the-counter antiperspirants. With a little digging, you’re bound to find useful product reviews. Now, for more serious and recurring cases, consider some of these options.

Prescription Antiperspirants and Creams

A doctor or health practitioner can prescribe more antiperspirants that contain aluminum chloride, a potent substance that can stop excessive sweating. Likewise, glycopyrrolate creams have proven their effectiveness against hyperhidrosis. Consult with your doctor if you experience any side effects.

Nerve-Blocking Medications

These drugs that you ingest orally temporarily block the chemicals responsible for inter-nervous communication, thereby reducing the occurrence of sweating in your hands. Dry mouth, blurred vision, or mild bladder issues are possible side effects.

Botox Injections

The active ingredients found in botulinum toxin (Botox) work to paralyze the nerves that encourage excessive sweating. You’ll need several injections in your hands to get results for 6 to 12 months. It can be a painful treatment, and you might experience brief muscle weakness as a result.

Microwave Therapy

This procedure consists of emitting microwave energy to destroy the sweat glands under the skin. Each treatment session lasts around 30 minutes and is conducted at three months intervals. Although it isn’t an invasive method, it can cause discomfort, be pricey, and available only in certain locations.


You may consider surgical procedures, such as sweat gland removal or a sympathectomy (nerve surgery) for longer-lasting results in case you didn’t respond to previous treatments.

When to Seek Help

While you may have lived with clammy hands all your life, it’s important to consult a specialist (GP, dermatologist) as soon as you feel the condition has become a serious handicap. If you suffer from emotional stress or social isolation as a result, joining a support group and taking care of your mental health can help in parallel to medical treatment.


Ultimately, it’s fair to say that living with hyperhidrosis isn’t easy to deal with. While there is no magical cure for clammy hands, modern medication and therapies can help alleviate the problem substantially. Paired with some lifestyle changes, optimal hygiene, and psychological wellness, you can expect to regain a good quality of life in no time.


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