We all want our homes to be a reflection of our passions, and for Christians, that means bringing Christ right into our homes. This allows us to feel closer to Jesus and practice our faith while comforting at home with our family and loved ones. It also allows us to share our faith with guests to show them the vital place that Jesus has in our hearts.


To help everyone create a home that reflects their faith, here are six ways you can create a Christ-centred home. 

1. Follow Jesus’ Teachings in Your Home

The first thing you need to do to create a Christ-centred home is to make sure that it is a place where Jesus’s teachings are followed. Ensure that your home is a place of love, forgiveness, and understanding and that everyone who comes to your home, whether it be the people who live there or visitors, feel that love from the moment they enter. Our homes are our private churches; we pray there, we spend time with our families, and we try to live in a way that shows our love and gratitude for Jesus. Make sure that there is a crucifix in your living room so that you remember the sacrifice Christ made for us all and that you live well every day.

2. Display Your Favorite Religious Art on the Walls

Religious paintings and images not only brighten up your home but are also a wonderful reminder of the wonders of Christ. There is so much incredible religious artwork, such as paintings of the life of Jesus and portraits of Christ on the cross. This artwork can be beautiful to look at and enable you to feel close to Christ wherever you are in your home. Coming home after a tough day and seeing your religious paintings can help you to relax and de-stress.

3. Include Your Favorite Quotes and Bible Passages

As well as religious paintings and other artwork, including your favorite bible passages or quotes from Christ in your home is the perfect way to stay in touch with His teachings. Try to match the teaching with the room where you put the teaching. The kitchen, for example, is a room where we often spend a lot of time preparing meals. This can sometimes be tedious, so fitting teaching to frame on the kitchen wall might be 1 Corinthians 13: “Love is Patient, Love is Kind.”  

4. Add Some Quirky Upholstery

Religious imagery and artwork don’t just look great on the walls. It can also be used to create some really fantastic upholstery. Various bedding and upholstery companies will take your favorite religious imagery or Bible teaching and create custom bed sheets or cushion covers. These can really make your home an extension of your faith and create the perfect space to live in the light of Christ.

5. Put Up a Fun Front Door Sign for Visitors

There is nothing more welcoming for visitors than a front door sign, and you can find many quirky signs which are both religious and fun. This could be a WELCOME sign with a quote from Christ beneath it. One passage that works perfectly for an entrance is Deuteronomy 28: 6: “You will be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out.” If front door signs are not really your thing, a religious doormat is another great option. One really fun doormat which can make visitors laugh is one that says, “This house runs on coffee and Jesus.” 

6. Display Important Photos

Every home has many photos capturing the essential moments in your families’ lives. These help us to feel close to our families and to remember the time we shared together. Make sure to display all of the photos of important moments in your religious lives, such as baptisms, first communions, and wedding days. Not only are they wonderful to look at, but they can also remind you of all those special times which you spent with your family and with Christ. You can either display them throughout the home or have a dedicated room or display them for all those special photos. 

Decorating our homes with religious items, artwork and quotes can help to create a space that is a daily reminder of the message of Christ. It helps us to feel closer to Jesus whenever we come home and can provide the ultimate welcome after a difficult day. Follow these tips and create a home that celebrates your love for Christ.


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