Summertime or wintertime, spending time at the beach is a great way to relax and refresh your mind. As much as sunbathing is fun, many people partake in several beach activities to unwind from the daily stresses of life. 

Surfing is one of the most popular water sports that is fun and exciting, no matter the season. If you are passionate about surfing, certain surfing essentials will keep you safe and have a good time in the water. As a beginner, you always want to ensure that you have everything you need when heading to the beach. 

For you to have a more enjoyable experience, you must focus on improving your surfing skills. This guide by Ombe will help you become a better surfer and make your water sessions more memorable, see here: 


If you are new to surfing, here are a few essentials that you must carry:


The most obvious surfing gear that you need is a surfboard. Without it you won’t be able to surf, you might as well go swimming. Choosing the right board can be confusing as there are several types of boards in the market. These boards vary on a person’s surf ability, size of the wave, and course design. 


As a beginner, you should purchase a longboard as it will help you improve your surfing skills and allow you to work on your stability. As you become a better surfer, you can switch to other boards that offer different benefits. Gun boards, funboards, fish boards, shortboards, etc are just some of the boards available in the market. 


When you are surfing you must be aware of your surfboard at all times. The best to do that is by using a surf leash that is attached to you at all times. The bridge between your board and your ankle can save your life. 


As a beginner, falling off your board is common and normal, the leash ensures you don’t have to hunt for your board every time. Make sure that the leash is the side of your board or even slightly longer because anything less or more can interfere while surfing. 


When purchasing a leash, look for the ones that are of good quality, reliable, comfortable, and even tangle-free so you can enjoy the waves without restrictions. 



A wetsuit is a must-have surf gear in your list as it keeps you warm and protects your skin from sunburns. While many surfers prefer to wear their bathing suits while surfing, a wetsuit is always recommended when surfing. 


It does not matter whether you are a beginner or an advanced surfer, these suits are designed to enhance your surfing experience. Staying out in the water for a long time can be uncomfortable as the water can get ice cold during the winter. Your wetsuit can help your body regulate heat effectively by keeping you warm and comfortable. 


Keep in mind that your suit should fit you well, or else it can be a hindrance while surfing.  


Surf Wax 

Waxing your board is one of the most important steps before you hit the waters. Without it, the chances of you falling are higher that can even lead to injuries. No matter the type of board you use, applying surf wax will give you a grip, giving you the ability to balance while riding your wave. 


Make sure that you apply the wax to the areas of your board where you stand as it will allow you to stay on the board longer. There are several different types of wax in the market, you can consider choosing according to your choice and preference. 

Board Cover 

If you love surfing but are not able to go to the beach every day can be frustrating. Or if you stay far away from the beach, traveling with your surfboard can be difficult. Consider using a surfboard cover that will protect your board during transportation as well as when you are not using it for a long time. 


These covers are designed with padding to keep your board safe from scratches, dents, and even cracks. Some covers come in different styles and look that attract different kinds of surfers. So if you are one of them, consider buying a board cover as it will give you safety and also make you look cool. 

Ready to Surf?

While surfing is fun, the ocean can be a dangerous place that is why you must have these surfing essentials when you head to the beach. Keep in mind that there are several ways to surf safely, but the right surfing gear will make your experience an enjoyable and memorable experience. 


Published  by HOLR Magazine

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