In the run-up to Christmas we all feel the squeeze on our bank accounts just a little bit more than usual.

According to the bank of England, a typical UK household spends up to 29% more in December, splashing a whopping £740 more than any other month on average.

If you’re looking for ways to top up your bank balance after the festive season is over, here are a few top tips on how to earn money outside of your day job.


If you have a passion for writing, then applying to become a paid freelance writer could be an ideal way to make extra money on the side. Marketing agencies are always searching for an extra pair of hands to help tackle the number of pieces that need to be covered each month. You can discuss with your employer whether you wish to enter a contract with them or simply pick up paid pieces here and there – the choice is yours. If you’re unsure of where to begin your search for freelancer writing vacancies, career agencies such as LinkedIn and Indeed are a great place to start.


Blogging is the perfect way to utilise your hobbies to make a second income. Once you decide what type of content you want to produce, it’s all about consistency and building your audience from the ground up. The best way to do this is using social media to spread the word. Here you can reach out to a list of brands who you would enjoy partnering with. What’s more, if you put the time required into nurturing your blog, it can become extremely lucrative – with the average blogger earning £31,595 in the UK!

Selling Items Online

You can instantly create your own ecommerce business by setting up an account online where you can sell your unwanted items that are worth something. This could be anything from clothing to shoes, old electronic devices such as iPhones and cameras – the possibilities are endless. Not only is this a great way to earn instant money on the side with every sale, but you can also de-clutter your home in the process. Two app to get your ecommerce side career on the go are Depop and Shpock – available on both iPhones and Android devices.



One money-making side hustle which is rapidly growing is forex trading. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a complete beginner, anyone can benefit from trading – you just have to be brave enough to take that leap and get involved. As with any new business venture, the key to trading is to do your research. If you want to get to know more about it, you have to spend the relevant time doing the research so that you have a basic understanding of how it all works before investing your money. All you need to begin is a smartphone and a trusted trading platform with specialised tools that can help you keep track of each trade you make. It can be a good idea to speak to other traders and start networking in order to absorb their knowledge and allow it to guide you if you’re a first-time trader. 

Published by HOLR Magazine

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