Tell us a little bit about yourself and your vision behind Millie:

I am the founder and CEO of Millie, a company that curates female-focused experiences through global travel (currently to Jordan!) and a speaker series in Toronto called Millie Speaks. Everything we do is underscored by the belief that organic, authentic storytelling and expanded perspectives, transform lives. We really wanted to create a brand that women could connect to – where they could be themselves.

Can you break down for us what Millie Speaks and Millie Travels is, and how they tie together?

Millie Travels trips are consciously curated to connect women who are culturally and physically distant. Travel gives us the opportunity to learn, firsthand, about new cultures and people from different walks of life and hear all of their kept and cherished stories. Our hope is that women will return home with a greater sense of perspective, awareness, and compassion to bring into their own lives and passion projects. We wanted to continue this momentum in our own backyard, so we created Millie Speaks. Millie Speaks is a Toronto-based salon-style talk that takes place multiple times throughout the year. It brings women together to engage in discussions and foster connections with each other. We think that both Millie Speaks and Millie Travels inspires growth and the courage to be ourselves.


What is one of the most common themes you are seeing currently when it comes to women stepping into their positions of power and purpose?What barriers are they facing, and how is a movement being created around this?

We are witnessing more and more female entrepreneurs achieving success and making an impact by trusting their instincts and following their hearts! These women are surrounding themselves with people they trust, building diverse teams who challenge their point of view. They are dismantling the barriers women from previous generations have faced by completely changing the conversation and co-creating a world in which all voices are heard.

What has been one of the major obstacles you yourself, as a woman, has faced in creating a business of your own?

I don’t think I have faced unique obstacles, to be honest. As a young entrepreneur, I think it is easy to get caught up in some of the external noise of the world, so it’s important to do an internal gut check to make sure we’re staying true to who we are and who we want to be. I’m learning that it’s important to trust my knowledge and know that I am enough.

Chelsea Brown in Jordan

How can we as a society (both women and men) support female entrepreneurship in a more impactful way?

I think that we need to pave the way for those who are just starting out. We are all at different stages of our journey, just trying to make our way and make sense of the world. Mentorship is essential. It opens doors and it opens minds. The recipient benefits from a mentor’s knowledge, experience, and networks. And the mentor, in turn, gets a fresh perspective and through the process of teaching others, really gets clear about what works, and what doesn’t.

Both Millie Speaks and Millie Travels creates such a safe space for women to connect, inspire, and share their truths. What has been the biggest source of inspiration for you in your life and in the creation of your business?

The inspiration behind my company stems from my childhood. My mother traveled extensively for work and I was lucky to have lived all over the world. She has been my biggest mentor from a business standpoint and also instilled in me a passion for travel and interacting with new cultures and people. My father is an advocate for change himself, gives back to his community and is seen as a trailblazer in his own right. I really love how Millie is an extension of both of them!

What do you think is the most important piece in creating this safe space for women to connect on more vulnerable levels?

Sharing powerful, authentic stories. Actually listening. No judgment.

What would you say to women looking to start their own business right now? Or even just to women looking to step out of their comfort zone?

Follow your heart and trust that your knowledge is enough. Surround yourself with people who you trust, who believe in you and who push you. Don’t hold yourself back with self-doubt! Raise your hand, ask questions and step out of your comfort zone. Be heard. If you don’t do it, someone else will.

Millie is a movement and has already created such waves. What can we hope to see next?

2020 is all about creating a long-term vision for Millie. We are excited to explore new travel destinations that I think are going to be inspiring to our community based on the feedback we’ve received. Our hope is to continue to meet trailblazing women who are breaking down barriers and sharing their stories and insight with us!

Follow along with Millie on Instagram @journeywmillie and by visiting the website here 

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