Everyone has milestones in their life. Graduating from school, going to college, getting your first job, buying your first car and, one of the biggest milestones, buying your first home. There is no better feeling in the world than paying the deposit and getting the keys to your permanent home. It means you have reached a point in your life where you are truly able to give yourself and your family a lovely space to grow.
However, buying your first home is not just all fun and fairytales. It can be quite daunting to some new homeowners. The process can be especially long and confusing, particularly if you are selling to buy. From discussion to closing, this can be surprisingly time consuming.
These days, it is not as feasible to do it yourself. Most people would recommend you to hire a buyer’s agent to help you out. With the right agent, you might be able to sell your property for higher than its market value, and get your dream home for a much lower price than you were expecting. If you are new to this, here are a few tips on how to find the perfect buyer’s agent for you.
In every industry and every field, the one key aspect to being a professional is experience and expertise. For buyer’s agents’ it is the same story. A buyer’s agent should have the necessary experience because the job requires many things that are often overlooked, and a few soft skills that only come through in-field practice.
For example, a good buyer’s agent would know the rules, regulations and processes of the transaction like the back of their hand. A professional agent would not only know this, but also have various other talents such as communication skills, people skills, organization skills and in-depth research skills. Skills like this can be difficult to find, but thankfully there are sites such as top10realestateagent.com.au, which make finding these real estate professionals much easier.
These talents all come together to ensure the deal not only goes smoothly, but much better than ever anticipated. Most of these skills however, cannot be learnt through books, rather, many years of interacting with clients and serving as a mediator and successfully closing small and big deals.
Someone that understands your needs
One of the things that is essential for you is to choose a buyer’s agent that has a greater attention to detail. An agent that knows the true value of the devil within the details means that every single one of your needs are taken care of.
For example, if you are a parent, they would source for a place that is childproof and is located near to a good school. If you are a night owl that works odd hours, your agent will help you find a place that thrives on the night life, with a convenient 24/7 shop at walking distance.
This attention to detail is extremely important because you are going to be living in your home for many years to come. Better make it the perfect place to stay. The last thing you want is regretting your higher purchase decisions because of an imperfection you have overlooked.
One of the best things you should ascertain is whether or not the buyer’s agent has strong local knowledge. For example, the number of schools within the district, how safe is the neighborhood, the number of houses that are being sold but not listed. Even better if they have more specific knowledge of your home such as the level of noise in the neighborhood, if it is lively or quiet, how safe is the location, are there any concerns such as electrical or plumbing?
A truly experienced buyer’s agent would not only put your house up for sale based on the market value, but know the true worth of your home. They should do extensive research and be able to justify it when comparing to other houses, and try to get the best price in the neighborhood.
In a nutshell, buyer’s agents are your best friends when it comes to buying and selling your first home. They have the expertise and knowledge to not only help you sell at a higher value than you originally marketed for, they are also able to source your dream home for you at a fraction of the projected price.