Gwyneth Paltrow Ski Video Youtube

Gwyneth Paltrow’s ski accident trial continues with conflicting testimony from witnesses. During Monday’s court session, ski instructor Eric Christiansen testified in favor of Paltrow, stating that she is a safe and responsible skier. He offered his recollection of the 2016 ski collision between Paltrow and Terry Sanderson, a retired optometrist who is suing the actress for $3 million over the collision that left him with four broken ribs and a traumatic brain injury.  A video animation recreating what the collision might have looked like was shown in court. 

Paltrow countersued Sanderson for negligence, alleging that he was responsible for the accident, having skied into her from behind. Sanderson is now seeking $300,000 in damages, while Paltrow is asking for $1 and reimbursed attorney fees.

During his testimony, Christiansen displayed an animation purporting to recreate the ski crash, which he said he did not personally witness. He stated that he was working with Paltrow’s son, Moses Martin, then 10, when the collision occurred on a beginner slope. Sanderson, who was also skiing on the slope, alleges that Paltrow crashed into him from behind, but witnesses have offered contradictory accounts as to who was at fault.

Christiansen defended Paltrow’s skiing ability, stating that he has taught her children on several vacations and that he has never seen her skiing recklessly or screaming down the hill. After the collision, Christiansen was one of the first people to respond to the incident and found the two intertwined on the ground, with Paltrow on top of Sanderson. He heard the actress say she had been hit and never saw it coming.

This testimony contrasts with Sanderson’s account, who testified on Monday that Paltrow screamed “blood-curdlingly” before the collision, suggesting that she was out of control. The trial continues with conflicting testimonies, leaving it up to the jury to decide the outcome.


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